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Sonic Micra Blog

imo. the number plate 'nipples' are what makes a march, a march. an import plate would look lost in that recess without the lights at the sides
I know what your saying Shaun, but I really want the minimalist smooth look combined with the March look, the number plate nipples are distinctively March, which I whole heartedly agree with, but they are too obtrusive for the look I'm after, this is why I have decided on the March number plate recess, which doesn't have the groove along the top edge from the Micra boot lid number plate recess when you remove the plastic trim, combined with the minimal number plate light. To those in "the know" it's not Micra boot lid but a custom March, and for those who aren't "in the know" it's different from a Micra but they can't put their finger on it. Believe me, it's been really difficult to keep the true spirit of the March in my modifications, and I believe that if it goes much further then it will cease to be what it started out as, but I am enjoying what I am creating, at the end of the day it's never going to be a Micra despite modifications from one, I hope that I can keep the true March spirit alive in my car.
are you still off work sonic? when your car is painted it will be the nuts! how many hours have you put in so far? and have you got any finger prints left after all that sanding?
no, I'm back at work, but I work sunday-thursday so fridays are mine all mine, as for time worked, I wouldnt be surprised if it was at least 400 hours so far, and your right, I have virtually no fingerprints now, so I'm off to do a bank job after I've finished modding the rear wiper.
Indicators on Wingers

Hi Sonic,

I'm not sure on this but I think I'm right, I think that you'll need to have E' Marked lamps for indicators, for example if you look at the lens on your micra any lens even your rear number plate lens.

I work for a lighting company and we did some M3 lamps (Not BMW) that go on the wing mirrors and they had to be e' marked. All I can say is when you do go for you MOT they might pick up on it.

Either way your car looks great and good job on the spacing of the LED's.


Easy answer.

Fair enough, lol. I just though I'd let you know.

Just browsed through the whole thread mainly looking at the pics and it's looking good, what colour are you thinking of painting the micar?

The LED numberplate light's you've done are they bright in the dark?
the brake calipers give the colour away, bright orange, the kind you get on an orange hi-viz vest and the leds are very bright theyre 5000mcd, what you dont do is look directly into them, I did and had spots in front of my eyes for about half an hour.

at night using the camera flash,

without flash,
surely if your going smoooooooooooth, you should be looking for some very minimalist wheels..... like 3 piece machined dish alloys....."flat" on the front like...
with a mortgage, wife and two kids anything like that is well out of my price range, if I came home with a £500+ set of wheels they wouldn't be on the car before the divorce papers were served, all my mods are done on an extreme budget i.e. virtually no cost, anyhow I've got a set of old school 7" wide 14" five spoke tsw's that will be going on it I think, I reckon they'll suit the look of the finished car.
euro look..lol

ohhh god i carnt stand that word lol! its not really anything to do with euro...its smooth look! if it was a euro look it would look like a standard euro car with euro plates etc and allsorts euro! you can never make a jap car look euro!

its smooth look lol like people say its jdm look! its japstyle! but really its not even that! its just a look that people say it came from that country...who knowns it orgianted from that country???? no one! lol its an allround style that is just a style. thus really jay style is an aggresivve look...or whatever id call it japstyle still tho :p

only because people smooth euro cars off doesnt mean its a euro look! it can be done on any car! so really euro doesnt come into it! its smooth!

sorry about that...its just saying like that and JDM etc that annoyn me! lol
No, I've still got her, and intend to keep her, all I've done recently is change the grille for an ultra openmouth and add a Pulsar centre console/handbrake cover, I'll get some pics of that up tomorrow, all I have left to do is remove the rear wiper and smooth the hole, move the washer jets, replace the headlights with glass lensed Micra items, tinted windows and rear lights fit a radio aerial and then the paint is coming this summer when the weather is warmer and dryer.
I want to put glass lenses on because the plastic ones have crazed quite a bit over time, I guess this is due to the salt used on the British roads and the fact that they are 16 years old now and just showing their age, the windscreen is also showing its age, it's covered in tiny little imperfections due to 110000 miles of road use so is going to be replaced this year as well.
I'd forgotten about that aeriel Shaun, thanks for reminding me, I was off to the car shop to get one this afternoon, so I'll get that one of you if it's ok.
yeah, not a problem. just let me know when you're next over matlock way and i can meet you there. what did we say? a tenner.
at jae last year, Kev told richmicratwista to use 't'cut on this plastic lenses on his glanza and they came up a treat. don't know if that'll work for you?
I got the Pulsar centre console looking like this...

Far too long, no lid for the cubby hole and the wrong colour, after cutting and sanding spraying with grey plastic primer and rubbing back to get a satin finish instead of matt grey, I then made a lid which I'm not happy with, so it's going soon to be replaced with one constructed from fibre glass and painted to match, I also need to sort some kind of cover for the handbrake to cover the bare metal.



As you can see, it's a pretty good fit, it almost looks factory apart from the lid.

Damn, after looking at the photos I've realised my car needs a good clean out, look at the state of the seats, it's embarrasing.
I took the March plastic lights off today and replaced them with glass Micra items that I have painted, out of interest I weighed them, the Micra items are 0.6kg heavier than the March Items, so I've added 1.2 kg to my car there, I also added an ultra open mouth grille (that still needs meshing).
curiously the Micra lights sit a good 10mm further back than the March ones, so I feel a badboy bonnet coming on.

I put the clear March rear lights that I got off Squarepants on as well, the drivers side took a bit of fettling but I got there in the end, cheers SP I love 'em.

I'm really looking forward to getting it in paint now the warm weather's shown its face.
Do you plan on keeping the UK front number plate? Just looks a bit funny to me with that bit of plastic stiking out below it.
Also, why change to glass h'lights?
I'm fitting Import sized plates (13"x6") as the finishing touch once everything else is done, the plastic lenses had started to become opaque and crazed with age and the salt on the British roads, I'm going to try to sort them out so they are clear again, if so I think they'll be going back on.
Fair enough, mine won't see much road salt so should be ok.

P.S. Loving the Chorley FM sticker :D

:eek: Dan was supposed to get it off you to give me when I came up, he said he hadn't seen you to get it, I'll still have it off you you shirty git :p I'm travelling past your way on Friday if that's any help, I can pick it up then.
:eek: Dan was supposed to get it off you to give me when I came up, he said he hadn't seen you to get it, I'll still have it off you you shirty git :p I'm travelling past your way on Friday if that's any help, I can pick it up then.

i'm gonna brain him, he could've let me know he was meeting you, he knew you wanted it off me!!! when you say past my way, where do you mean?
Paint is happening late spring, probably around the beginning of May when the weather is dryer, and I'm going for dayglo orange, the sort of colour you get hi-viz vests in.

I'm hoping for the sort of colour that will make ollies car look dull.
Pretty sure that's illegal, day-glo colours are reserved for emergency vehicles, although dyno-rod have that colour so I dunno, might be worth finding out though.
grill looks good, dayglo orange will look sweet :). is that an aircon rad bahind the grill, i preume it has aircon with it being a march.
Yes it has aircon, but it needs regassing which is going to cost me about £70 so I dont think I'll bother, if I fit a manifold the pump will have to come off anyway.
Very nice Sonic!! that mesh is crazy, but in a good way lol! never seen anything like that before (Y)
tinted headlights look good aswell! a really awesome mod to transform any K11 imo!!
and the colour your going for.....well...cant wait to see it.....
looking at your avatar, you've got a fried egg theme going on there abit, a cheap way of getting rid of that is tinting your orange indicators with tinting spray, works like a charm and the bulb reflects black in the reflector when it's not lit, giving a complete black look,
or be boring and hide the bulbs with the silver ones. my bro (p11sr20) has got the osram orange/blue indicator bulbs, and they look wicked btw.

here's a close up pic of my tinted bulbs (with normal tail light spray)


and here's my bro's orange/blue ones on his prim

http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s281/p11sr20/GT pics/10.jpg

i've changed the images to links, so as not to ruin your blog :)
Whos painting the car Sonic?

My brother in law and me are doing it, it'll be a challenge but it'll be worth it in the end.

And Swiper, the bulbs are a bit of a bright orange because I used glass paints to tint the bulbs just the same as the red stop/tail and orange indicators in the clear rear lights, coz I'm too tight to buy coloured ones, the orange will fade in a few weeks.

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