yeh the bodywork is in good nick, a few bits of rust but nothing major.
already started working on it as you will see.
ok, the first thing to go was that nasty brown interior
I took all the carpet out and seats leaving the door cards which i'll get rid of later. i decided to have a go at spraying the dashboard black and being a lazy git did this with the dash still in the car :glance: mistake no'1
The dash came out fine but it prob would of actualy been quicker and easier to of taken it out and sprayed it lol. btw i'm not as stupid as i sound here this was just pure lazyness lol.
ok i nipped down my local scrappy to look for another k10 with some better interior that i could use. found a k10 but it was exactly the same as mine with the brown interior, so with little success there i thought i'd take the grill of it and proceeded to make my own custom grill. i took a hacksaw to the grill i had just bought for £2

and after a session of cutting swearing bodyfilling, fiber glassing and more swearing i ended up with this
as you can see i have also primed it, altho i'm not sure if i'm gonna use this or stick with the original, i'll try them both and see wich looks better.
I have managed to find myself a super s kit

wich i will be getting in a few weeks so thought i'd get those plastic bumpers off ready for the ss kit to go on.
well thats what i've been up to past week what you think? will keep you posted