Word Association

...Apparently my mind is not as dirty as yours Joe o_O ...(I don't get how donation is funny? :p)


ETA: ...Oh, I get it :rolleyes: ...deposit would have been funnier though ;)
Well i'd hope not, you're a respectable young lady, well brought up and all that, whereas i am a distinctly more corrupted individual despite my parents' best efforts...

(i'm nice really, honest :) you've seen my charming side right? )

Edit: jokes along the lines of an "endowed" chap making "donations" to local, um, ladies...

Was a momentary lapse in my dignity...
Well i'd hope not, you're a respectable young lady, well brought up and all that, whereas i am a distinctly more corrupted individual despite my parents' best efforts...
(i'm nice really, honest :) you've seen my charming side right? )
...charming?...Hmmm...you could call it that LOL :p

I think my parents did all right with me...my brother, on the other hand <_<

...charming?...Hmmm...you could call it that LOL :p

I think my parents did all right with me...my brother, on the other hand <_<


Well i'll have to be more charming in future i guess...

and avoid jokes about you doing the Recieving :p


Edit: yeah my sister's lovely! just a shame about me really...
Haha cars been well broke mate off for a bit now though and back on the road at last! When you next up duuude?

Well broke? What did you do to the poor thing??
I dunno actually lol, hannahs finished uni for this term now so were only in york for a party sometime then away most of summer i think, gonna have to make a proper effort to see you and exchange parts lol
