taken loads out of my k10's
in fact mine is just sat on the front at the moment any ways!
not broke a front window in years!
easiest way is to get a suction pad (i use my dent pullers

pull window outwards with the suction and then unfold the inner bit of the rubber (getting someone to pull on the suction cup is best whilst your inside)
take of your internal rear view mirror (it gets in the way)
best to take out dash too but not neccesary if it gonna be too much hassle (it only takes 10 minutes to remove and could save you time and money in the long run)
you'll also find it not the rubber seal but rust that has gathered in the bottom left corner of the frame work!
its prone for holding water causing it to rust and then leak into the passenger footwell! (i take it the leak is to the passenger side)
treat the rust - re fibreglass/metal compound/leadbase whichever suits you most!
then re fit the rubber
put the rubber back on the windscreen - again with suction cup offer it to the frame - then just refold the rubber back over the lip of the frame!
may take you time th efirst cpl of times but once you get the hang of the folding of the rubber it gets to be a doddle!
hope it helps