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wide arch or not?

hi just recently purchased my first 1.3 super s before i had a 1.0 and i was thinking of putting a wide arche kit on it but now im wondering weither or not to do it?:confused:
i am also looking into a lambo door conversion.
If going wide arched you WILL need to modify the front and rear metal body panels (you have to cut out a fair bit, depending how low youre going)

Just something to consider if your paying someone to fit them...also worth noting that its a no return to standard jobby. :)
thought about suicide doors might be better?
didnt realise how much work there was involved in wide arche kits might rethink that one
Btw thats assuming your fitting the ones like ive got fitted. (the widest ones iirc)...ive recently had to remove more metal than i was expecting.

You could possibly get away without major modifications, should you be thinking of fitting the thinner versions...though id suspect youd need to atleast roll the arches on the back.
thought about suicide doors might be better?
didnt realise how much work there was involved in wide arche kits might rethink that one

If the wide arches are going to be too much work then you really aught to steer clear of modding the way the doors open.
the wide arch kit is lovely if you smooth it like solarice has! i wanted mine like that, and cause my car was so low, i had to cut the rear quater panel arch lining to space the wheels.
i think i will leave the doors as for the wide arches im going to get some advice shouldnt be much problems as my mechanic friend has been doing modded cars for years so he should be able to sort it all for me for a resonable price
hmmm if i bought some arches would anyone with experience be willing to fit them for a price or show me a guide on how to fit them?
i think i will leave the doors as for the wide arches im going to get some advice shouldnt be much problems as my mechanic friend has been doing modded cars for years so he should be able to sort it all for me for a resonable price

Any mechanic, body worker etc that has had previous or similar experience should be able to do it peice of cake

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