Why do my 6x9's sound low??


Ex. Club Member

running off a:


I cant figure it out... the pre-out is 2v on the HU so I set the gain to that...
Could it be the High Pass or Low Pass filters? How do I adjust these? Im confused here... do I turn low pass down to allow bass? do I turn high pass up to allow some treble?

The amp is giving out 2x60w rms or so it states BUT
the speakers are louder off my old Blaupunkt vr250 which is 2x50w rms?!

Retepet Sir??
Filters are literal by name - MORE low pass allows MORE low frequency to pass to the drivers :) So more bass - unless in your case the low pass control adjusts the clipping frequency of the filter, in which case lifting it up will allow more mid-range frequency into the low-frequency mix, and turning it down will reduce the amount of mid-frequency... Its a minefield! :)
2V stated HU output doesnt mean the amp will be seeing an actual full 2v. Try turning the gain up a bit.

You only want a high pass filter, set at around 80Hz on a 12dB slope should do it.
there is an X over on the amp... I am assuming that I can only have HP or LP... would HP set at 80Hz give me the best of both worlds with say 70% bass and 30% vocal?
The 50W head unit figure is peak power, and is actually around 15W RMS, just to correct your original post.
Arnold those were amp power ratings... but anyway fantasteeko... its sounding how it should now... cheers.
they still sound a bit low... so what I did... I bridged them... its 2 x 300w RMS @ 4 Ohm now... I never knew the DLS were so power hungry... 2 x100w RMS wasnt enough... now it sounds cool... set HP to 80Hz... Full Pass was giving me some more low end but when I went over 20 (volume) they were straining... HP lets me take them to 26 safely with heavy bass but I only need 16-18... dont crank it! Thats not me.
do you have them boxed?... if not try sticking them in a custom box, (or fusion make a specific set of 6x9 boxes for £20) they will sound a lot louder and will not be distorted by a sub..
I was considering a box but fussy me wants access to all areas of the boot... the box I was offered was one which sits between the lights and the suspension (boot side)... Ive put them in a stealth shelf... and the boot seems pretty air tight... I sealed as many gaps as I could... it actually sounds like a sub on low level... not trouser flapping bass but you can feel it in your back... it'll do me for now... just wanted some mid-bass and vocal from the back.

Mind you they have a monster magnet so I hope they dont break free from the coach bolts... and I hope the plastic sills that the shelf sits on doesnt see its days either...

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