What's wrong with my brakes.

Ive replaced both rear wheel cylinder, bled the all the brakes. But they down work well at all. The pedel doesn't feel spongy. Have i missed something?
no matter how hard i press they wont lock. and their seems to be a delay when applying the brakes and when i release them they seam to bind a little until i drive away
had a 106 which wouldnt lock up at all and was dangerous if had to do an emergency stop as it simply couldnt, so had to bleed the air and crap out of all the brakes lines, turned out to be tons of air in the front pass side, once that was done and complete fresh fluid all round its now braking perfectly fine
and when air is in the brakes it essentially means that air is compressable, meaning that when the pedal is depressed your squashing the air instead if using the hydraulic action to apply the brakes
i have bleed all the brakes. But ill have another go tomorrow.
always bleed from the furthest away from the master cylinder first, and constantly keep it full! If it empties you have to start all over again! Are you using a compressor type bleeder or you doing it with a mate, don't tell me your pumping the pedal then cracking off the nipple :eek:
No that's what you do pump pedal till its hard then crack the nipple off while the pedal is still pressed down, then close the nipple without lifting the pedal then pump pedal till hard and repeat
What I ment was your not pumping the pedal then jumping out and opening the nipple ;)
I had a rather surprising success with a Gunson easy bleed kit recently. Use your spare for the air and drop it to 16-18 PSI before you start. Another tip is to clonk each cylinder or caliper gently with a hammer as you bleed it, helps dislodge any persistent air bubbles :).

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