What does timing chain rattle in the micra actually sound like (Idle).

Quick question really since i'm completely new to cars, what doesthe timing chain rattle sound like (If its a loose tentioner or whatever it is), say if the car is warm and its idling nicely now mine has like a little constant tap although opening the bonnet and standing about the engine at one point, the sound didn't seem like it was coming from the top, but rather the bottom (Although its hard to say because of all the other noises my car has hehe.)

I could upload a video though, my phones recording quality is quite nice.

(Ive checked youtube for timing chain rattle problems and there is one with the micra but the quality isn't good enough, i dont hear the noise when im using the car i believe, just when idle.)

Cheers, Migs.
You'll know if its rattling. :D

The timing chain runs all the way down the side of the engine (drivers side), so if theres a clack clack clack sound then its probably worn.
Hmm thanks Collison, its hard to say really, i dont think its a clank (I'l go out and check in a few minutes) its not too bad but i'm wondering can i stop it in its tracks if you get me :), engine starts to seem a bit rough at the higher end revs also,

Its hard to hear because i think my alternator belts tweet like a bird hehe, if i can i will also get some quick footage, just want to stay on the safe side (First car, i want it to last mate ;) )
Get a video up is the best thing or maybe just a recording...

There is no way of stopping it in its tracks. You can only renew it to stop the sound but to be honest if its not making that bad of a noise at the moment it wont be anything to worry about. (Y)
Hey Collison, so i went and did a 20 mile run (Car always has the noise when it idles perfectly),

Seems your right, its not the timing chain (Infact the engine sounds so good, so quiet when running its unbelievable.)

But strangely enough mate, seems like the dizzy is clicking (I think i've pinned it to that,) is this normal?

My video quality is good, audio especially, and im sure you can distinguish the click im on about ontop of all the sounds so if you could help me confirm that'd be great, also the radiator fan isn't spinning but the cars idling and the temp is in green zone so it doesnt really mean anything, but i dont know if a damaged motor could make a funny sound like this,

Heres the vid!


Cheers buddy.
Yeah lol, the belts tweet, water pump'l be 11 years mate, i dont think its ever had anything replaced (Except cluch, tyres and general wear and tearers.),
Hmm, it could be, is the waterpump towards the centre of the car near the engine? it certainly sounds like its coming from the dizzy though (Although because my phones microphone is on its side i should have directed it a bit better :/

OOoh, water pump, hmm i dont think that is having any problems, the car temperatures seem completely stable, i'd imagine if the pumps starting to fail it would slowly brush off and have an effect?

Ill see if i can track the problem down more closely tommorow!
I'm fairly certain that the noise doesn't originate from the pully side, so hopefully we can rule that out, its around the area by the dizzy im 100% certain, are there any other mechanical parts under the dizzy that are constantly active and moving?
Yeah its full now, what about gear oil? (Is it the gear box that needs oil?) Any moving parts to the whole gear process?

Been out again, i'm really strugling to turn it down, perhaps it is indeed the water pump or something relating to the pully system, the tapping runs along side the revs (Increase speed to match etc) so its got to be something around that area,

I appreciate the help guys!
Yeah its full now, what about gear oil? (Is it the gear box that needs oil?) Any moving parts to the whole gear process?

Been out again, i'm really strugling to turn it down, perhaps it is indeed the water pump or something relating to the pully system, the tapping runs along side the revs (Increase speed to match etc) so its got to be something around that area,

I appreciate the help guys!

How does it run?
Very smooth, you can tell from the video the car is completely still, when driving performance seems good, tiny bit of stiffness and the odd kangaroo when cold but other then that fine, still haven't seen the fan fire up, temperatures are always nominal, its just a strange click i suppose :).

The only time it gets rough is at high revs (nearly full rev to be exact) the only changes made in the last month is the engine oil and the fuel (Switched from tesco to shell regular however its now regular saver...if that makes a diff)
Right i hav the exact same problem n mine seems to sound like its in my passenger side dash. Rattle while idling. Iv noticed when i let go of revs heavily the deceleration rocks my engine l. Cud this be engine mounts? because idling is a rocking of the engine and reving is a vibration of the engine then if sumthings loose it wud rock more while idling right? Any comments?
Check whats in your glove box/door pockets etc before chasing rattles etc, bit embarrasing when you find a ball bearing and a 2p piece in the passenger door pocket...
I found a stone under my seat in one car that nearly drove me bonkers, every time you accelerated or decelerated it would go click, but couldn't place it, until I found the stone.
Hi MrMigs08,

Sorry for bumping this old thread, but have you fixed this problem? What was it?
My Micra is doing exactly the same sound, the only difference is that the sound comes when I accelerate, not in idle.
As you said, the clicking sound does nothing on car performance apart from the freaking noise.


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