First of all a belated Merry Christmas to you all...been busy

Update on my head gasket replacement, finally got everything back together, not easy when your 'workshop' is a busy road and it wont stop raining!! Anyway, car fired straight up, ran beautifully but was smoking like a t##t!. Christmas morning was spent laying in the road, piss wet through, unfortunately not from a good night on the ale but because I was doing an oil and filter change, coolant change and fitting a new exhaust hanger. Upon firing car up again it was still smoking, though not as much, so I hoped it was just residual coolant in the oilways burning off. Taken it for a good blast today and happy to report that its running well and no longer smoking

Also happened to have this lying around in a cupboard so thought it a shame to waste it
Will continue to moniter oil/coolant situation for a good while but looking good so far