Urgent help needed!

I have just managed to put my thumb through the plastic tank on the far right hand side of the engine bay containing blue/green fluid. Am I right in assuming this is the coolant reservoir? And should it have been that brittle, considering that I put hardly any pressure on it? My problem is that I am due to drive back to Brighton tomorrow, which takes about 2 1/2 hours, and I am not sure if it is wise to drive the car with a dirty great hole in the tank. Obviously being the bank holiday I am not going to be able to get another tank in time. I have gaffa taped it over and driven down the road and I think it should be OK, however my dad is not so sure. Advice please!
As long as the seal is airtight, I se no reason why you will have a problem - you should get it sorted ASAP, however.
shouldnt even need to be air tight... the resevoir is only for expansion, (hence the name expansion tank) and has a breather or over flow on it anyway. as long as it doesnt leak from that point, it should be fine.

its probebly that brittle from either long, hot journeys or a very strong anti-freeze mix.
I reckon you will be OK but it helps to get the fluid out of the tank before you put the gaffer tape on. My old car had a big crack in the washer fluid tank, which had been gaffered over by a previous owner. It was very old tape and had obviously done the job for ages, and only started leaking when I pulled at it out of curiosity! Fresh gaffer tape didnt stick to the leaking tank, so I fixed it by siphoning out the fluid with a turkey baster (handy tool you won't find in Halfords..) and putting silicone sealant over the crack.
The exact same thing happened to me today. I was topping up the coolant, after renewing it a while ago and noticed a small crack in the top of the expansion tank. Naturally I gave it a poke with my fingers and was a bit stunned when it went straight through and left a dirty great hole :-(

I've fished out the pieces of plastic and stuff a rag in the hole for now, but I'm wondering what to do next. Gaffa tape or a square of plastic and some sealant sound like the job, but I was wondering what people thought long-term? An expansion tank from a scrappy won't break the bank, but I'd have to drain the blumin' thing again and I don't have use of a drive way at the moment.

Thoughts? How long have you guys been running like this now? Any problems?



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