Umar's K10 Super S / Parts for sale

Hi Umar,

Do you live in West Yorkshire? If so, it's not too far away. :)

I will be able to come down whenever is convenient... probably asap. :)

Elliot mate

i do live in West Yorkshire :)

i need to sell all of the stuff together and not within a few weeks of each other
cos i don't want sum1 backing out last minute
and me being stuck without a g/box/dash etc..

so i would preferrably want you all to make either the full payment or atleast half..

so i can start to take stuff off for ya

and whoever else i may have missed :)
get intouch with me regarding payment for these things please A.S.A.P

btw my MSN addy is ...

i know where your coming from by saying so Arnold... :)

like i said its matter of saving my own back, i don't wanna ruin the car by selling a few things only!

Let me know please..

i need to know when u can come up too..

Umar, as discussed on msn, for all genuine buyers, get them to pay via paypal etc first before you break.

theres quite a bit of dollar coming your way and i dont want anyone else pulling out, and messing my chances up of getting the bits i want!
Another update of how its going

G/box re-conned (shifts gears like new )..ARNOLD
Super S seats.. ARNOLD
Foha rear spoilers..ARNOLD
Steering Wheel....ARNOLD
K&N air filter......ARNOLD

Sideskirts inc rear arches(front arches have been half broken, both sides, but sum1 can make a mould of them)..JAMES
Rear Super S bumper..JAMES
Front Foha bumper in Red (needs slight sorting out)..JAMES


Anti roll bar.... MAT.T

Mirrors... ED

Rear spoiler... MITICIAN he has first dibs

and these are remaining

rear boot release mechanism
Centre clock console
Inside plastic bits all of them inc rear boot area ones (mainly black, some red)
Roof lining a and b post covers (black)
Majority of the interior except frontseats,dash,centre clock console and dials.
Engine inc Inlet/exhaust manifold/Carb/alternator/starter/dizzy
Electronic coil
Facelift Grille (red)
Full standard exhaust system inc CAT
Super S Standard wheel trims in white

sum1 must be wanting the engine??
make an offer even block on its own?
Arnold said:
Umar is looking to sell his 1.2 Super S complete, but depending on interest, will also break.. For some reason he cannot post his own thread!

1.2 Super S

Rear spoiler
replies / PM's to be directed at Umar please


I'd REALLY, REALLY Like the Rear Spoiler if no-one else has aske first.
Name your price- im not fussy! And i'll pay for delivery!
You can contact me at: if you need to!
I'd REALLY, REALLY Like the Rear Spoiler if no-one else has asked first.
Name your price- im not fussy! And i'll pay for delivery!
You can contact me at: if you need to!
If u can't buy sumthing that sum1 is selling then don't waste their time.
We would all rather sell our stuff to sum1 whos wanting it rather than them who time waste and put themselves to shame.

I'm not having ago at people who have in the past but from NOW ON(as in today).
is that clear??

if any1 has a prob with that then cool :)
see me personally:devil:

the dash and centre console are for sale again.


how much you looking to sell the engine for?
whats the milage on it?
what size is it?
where abouts it the micra situated?

also, how much for the roof lining?
if you are looking for the complete engine with
starter/alternator/inlet manifold+Carb i'd want 120 for it.

the mileage is 90k

its a 1.2 producing more than 60bhp!

the car is in Bradford

just for the roof lining..i want 10 Quid

its used daily
without a prob
Im looking for a centre console to hide up some of my gearstick u getting rid of it?
i have the centre console bit with the clock still for sale:)
want 15 quid for it(but its painted all red)
mark the car didn't come a with a sunroof cover:(

is the car broken up yet, as i am looking for a complete super s, have you any pictures.
if its a good one, surely it would be a shame to destroy it?????

if not then its better donating parts......

for starters i want to lightly turbo one, and see where it goes...

make a good companion for my early k10, MA10 - 138,000 FSH and still going.....

have a spare genuine parts manual (may be workshop) if anyone needs it - will check which book it is when i get home....

anyone outhere got an early heated rear window switch??


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avgenisis said:
if its a good one, surely it would be a shame to destroy it?????

True, as i wanted it for myself too - but its not available to buy now as far as i know
oh well shame, have to keep looking, those MA12 engines are like rare around here (east anglia), everyone has MA10 and no k10s in the scrappy, they have moved thier cut off to M reg..... do k10 super s cars come up on here often??

regards al.
How much are you after for the dash & centre console & do you have any better pics, particularly of the centre console?

oh well shame, have to keep looking, those MA12 engines are like rare around here (east anglia), everyone has MA10 and no k10s in the scrappy, they have moved thier cut off to M reg..... do k10 super s cars come up on here often??

1.2's are not that rare in East anglia, i'm on the Essex Suffolk border and there are currenly loads of K10S in the scrappies and there is always at least 1 MA12. Super S are rare in anglia and i have never seen one :down:
i'm wanting 35 for both dash and centre console bit inc clock
i don't have any more pics atm

btw the centre bit is painted red as u can see from the pics
and so is the glove compartment flap bit if u understand
Yeah, I know what you mean, tried to do the same with mine in black/silver but messed the spraying up & would rather start again than clean it back! Still improves the interior though.

Can't quite stretch to that at the mo though :( Random one though, can I have the torque arm from the alternator with the bolts for each end please... :)
so when is every1 coming up then?

it will be broken in the next week or so time....

would be good if every1 came at the same time :)
i need to know guys...


so when is every1 coming up then?

it will be broken in the next week or so time....

would be good if every1 came at the same time :)
i need to know guys...


ok Arnold:)

how about the rest of you????

btw i have a reconned starter too(so 2 in total)
and TBH
i don't think James wants the kit,SS rear bumper and the front FOAH one

so they are up for sale:)

anyone interested i'll update on wots sold and available..
G/box re-conned (shifts gears like new )..ARNOLD
Super S seats.. ARNOLD
Foha rear spoilers..ARNOLD
Steering Wheel....ARNOLD
K&N air filter......ARNOLD

Rear Super S bumper..ELLIOT
Front Foha bumper in Red (needs slight sorting out)..ELLIOT

Anti roll bar.... MAT.T
SS trims silver...MAT.T

Engine block ....MICRAMAN

and these are remaining

Rear Spoiler
Rear Tailgate
Rear boot release mechanism
Centre clock console
Inside plastic bits all of them inc rear boot area ones (mainly black, some red)
Roof lining a and b post covers (black)
Inlet inc carb/exhaust manifold
Electronic coil
Facelift Grille (red)
Full standard exhaust system inc CAT
Super S Standard wheel trims in White

let me know if i've missed anything out

Hi Umar,

I'll have the Super S rear bumper too please. How much would you want for the side-skirts too?

I'll come up whenever on a weekend too. :)

well ED has decided not to buy the carpet and mirrors
so they are back up for sale:)

this is wot is available

Rear Spoiler
Rear Tailgate
Rear boot release mechanism
Centre clock console
Inside plastic bits all of them inc rear boot area ones (mainly black, some red)
Roof lining a and b post covers (black)
Inlet inc carb/exhaust manifold
Electronic coil
Facelift Grille (red)
Full standard exhaust system inc CAT
Super S Standard wheel trims in White
Full Loom inc ECC system:)

let me know if i've missed anything out

nice one guys..
will be looking forward to meeting you all v.soon

i'm breaking the car on... Sat
Arnold is the first to collect his bits

thers loads still remaining..
so come on peeps...:p
I'll be up Saturday hopefully morning. I've added you to my MSN so I can get your address when you're around.

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