Tweeters and A pillas

Hi All! I have inherited a Nissan Micra Tempest and ive decided to chuck in all the ICE i bought a while back in. As you all know the tempest and various other models dont have tweeter pods in the A-pillas. Right, i have a set of componets to fit and i was gonna put the tweeters in the A-pillas and i was wondering how nissan have fitted the factory set? Ive took off the a-pilla and had a look behind and there aint enough room for my tweeter (20mm) Now is there a cut out on the a-pilla (the actuall chassis) for the tweeter on the factory set-up or is the a-pilla trim moulded differently to allow the tweeters to fit? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks Robbie
Hi mates, bump-o-thread,
a little question, how do you fit the tweets speakers themself inside the grey plastic A pillar, where there is black mesh ? I don't see how to fix them for they don't fall in the bottom of the A pillar, there are only two holes around the tweets speakers :s

Help would be much appreciated, thanks !

Pictures to explain what I ask:
How to fit this :

inside this :

in order the tweeters don't move ?
you screw the tweeter to the a pillar and the black cover is clipped to the plastic cover which just clips on the same way as the old cover came off. so two screws go through the holes in the tweeters and screw to the cars a pillar