well one of me mates gave me £150 for xmas and 18th pressie
. so i treated meself to a new Hedunit i went down to halford where one of my mates works
picked meself up a little JVC KD-AVX1, listed at £400 in halfods, he got me 15% off so i paid 340 good deal.
but it doesnt stop, halfods charge £40 to fit a hedunit, he did it for free, we got to the car he realised i need an iso adapter £15 quid in halfods i didnt pay for it, i then got a pack of fuses cos he blew a fuse whilst fitting it didnt pay for those, some pliers to remove the fuses with and he left the multimeter in the car.
i reckon thats me 1 halfods 0
But seriously this headunit is the nuts!!, its makes the stock speakers much better as well i am in love!!
picked meself up a little JVC KD-AVX1, listed at £400 in halfods, he got me 15% off so i paid 340 good deal.
but it doesnt stop, halfods charge £40 to fit a hedunit, he did it for free, we got to the car he realised i need an iso adapter £15 quid in halfods i didnt pay for it, i then got a pack of fuses cos he blew a fuse whilst fitting it didnt pay for those, some pliers to remove the fuses with and he left the multimeter in the car.
i reckon thats me 1 halfods 0
But seriously this headunit is the nuts!!, its makes the stock speakers much better as well i am in love!!