My car is a 97' 1.3L is this the gearbox drain plug right:
Does anyone have a picture of the filler plug?
I have a -99 1.0 Micra, how often do you need to change the manual transmission oil?
Looking in my servicebook at point 40 it says change oil in M/T and dividing gear and that's at an interval of 15,000 km or a year.
That can't be right, can it?
F***! So what am I pulling on?!facelifts have a filling plug/bung on the front spinal
The thing yiur pulling on is the speedo drive.F***! So what am I pulling on?!
The funny part is, I've grabbed the haynes manual and just saw that. Now trying to figure out where the friggin filling plug is. IT's getting dark, so may need to continue tomorrow.
The gear linkage may well be hitting a loose aluminium heat shield in the tunnel above the exhaust, crawl under and have a look......Finally got it out. Wahey. Gearbox topped up, but that wasn't what was causing the sound.
When "wiggling" (technical term) the gear lever left to right (in neutral, engine off) there's a metallic sound coming from under the car. Think it's the link between the gearstick and gear lever... but no idea how to fix it...
there is a paper gasket under that housing mate, and you have to break the seal that has accumulated over the years