Today is a dark day for my micra (no pun intended)

2 Months ago I got my windows tinted. Very happy with them and think it adds that extra smooth look I'm going for.
I never got around to declaring them to be 100% honest but my insurance Is due to be renewed today so yesterday I started ringing around. Being a 19 year old male there was no chance I could get a cheap enough quote so my mother is giving me her no claims and I'll be named driver. Suppose it just means I'll just have to walk a little more :(.
So I started ringing around and as soon as I told them my windows were tinted no one would insure me!
So today I'm having to get them stripped off :(
This is a very very bad day for me and my k11

There are pictures on my blog if you want to see what it looked like
dont take them off go to chris knott i declared my alloys and the diddnt charge me also my policy is close to 500 1year no clames and im the policy holder much cheeper than any comparison site would give me