time not seen people

, but I is not sitting still
until today I have been out of a job
so i had enough time for the car
so lets start! the hood... which was in bad shape
bought before losings my job some megnacore cabels
and from a club buddy some hoodlifters
painted them
bought some carbon foil
start to sanding the hood
but to bad when the foil was on for 75% the old paint under it began releasing

so the foil need to go off to bad
so the hood need a new sanding and protection for the metal... like this...
this is how the car looks now still bad wheater
in the mean time got a other hood from the junkyard
painting it
a couple of weeks ago a rival car was sold for a other...
i know where the car was... and that was with a club buddy... so i called hem to strip it grr
and so i was the lucky owner off this...
a powder-coated rear axle with all new parts (or dutch super s dont have disc brakes on the back)
and all the stuff that i need by the swap
and tadaaa a nice Nismo Rear spoiler!
and 2 rear windows (black)
that all for 300 euro's
the nismo spoiler was in a bad shape but you know me... i will fix it!
the bad shape pic's
and work in progress