The 6000rpm figure

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Im really starting to dispute that 6000rpm is where the maximum power produced by the MA10. Ed did the timing on my car and tuned the revs so i know the needle is right, but i was sitting on the limit in second hitting around 45mph.. so why when i put my foot down to 7000rpm, i managed to hit over 50mph? Surely if 6000 is the max, how come it still shifts beyond it?

I know you might say 'well nissan said its 6000', but after reading in the other thread about the 1.0 K11 Nissan's 0-62 time of 19 seconds!! lmao, how can you believe all of the figures they produce.
I thought that the car speed will continue rise if you go beyond the 6k mark but it would get there faster if you changed up a gear? As far as I knew, that is what I believed maximum power to be about.
aprently its at 5.5k its not that u loose power its that the gear ratio makes it easier for the engine to push the car faster in the higher gear like on a push bike u can cane it in second gear or for less effort go to third for same result would like to push it to 7 alot neways not if u wanna look after then engine
paul_k10_Lx said:
aprently its at 5.5k its not that u loose power its that the gear ratio makes it easier for the engine to push the car faster in the higher gear like on a push bike u can cane it in second gear or for less effort go to third for same result would like to push it to 7 alot neways not if u wanna look after then engine

ahh ok i get ya! i think its 5400rpm for the 1.2 and definitly 6000 for the 1.0! I just wasnt sure why the figure was 6000 when it still produced power beyond it, but now i know :)
You basically go out of the peak power band Arnold.

Yes you increase your speed still, but would be better to change gear rather then to take it past 6,000pm on standard cams.

those figures are as has been said max BHP the engine produces, if you go above this then the engine begins to make less power as it becomes very inefficient.

is this for the k10...
if so any idea what a 1.3 k11 runs best at?

i couldnt be any more blonde...sorry thought this was the k11 forum and just realised after hitting the back button
my ma12 will pull the most between 5000 - 6000rpm, i dont take it past about 6200rpm, the torque pulls it back from the low revs up to peak power, mine probubly revs more than other ma12s cause of my manifold and exhaust system, not to sure on ma10's cause i've only ever driven one and it was proper hammered
its more like 5500 on a MA10 and about 5300 on a MA12.

dont believe figures, believe a rolling road print out
Slim said:
its more like 5500 on a MA10 and about 5300 on a MA12.

I can believe that, I really don't think it does much good in my K10 going beyond 5.3k. Mark have you taken yours to a rolling road? Sorry if you have and it's been posted before. I must have missed it. :doh: Would be very interested to see your RR slip if you've done one.
unfortunatly my red one was never taken to a rolling road, my white one however might be in the future and it will have all my bits on it etc.
Woahhhhhhh NO K10 here at all will make peak torque above 4500 rpm. You would need MAJOR changes to take it above 5K rpm.

Peak torque 1.0 = 53 or 56lb foot @ 3600 rpm (depending on MA10 or MA10S)
Peak torque 1.2 = 69 @ 3200 rpm

These RPM points will corespond to the max acceration in gear also, (not max power)