i want to wire up a tachometer (rev counter) to my micra. i was going to on my old one but i couldnt work out how because it was an old one (95) but now i have a facelifted one (t reg) ive heard that the wires are all there at the back of the speedo etc but how would i go about doing it. has any one done it before. any help would be greatly appreciated. oh and by the way im about the lower my car by about 35 mm. do i need to hack off anything from the bumpstop or is this not neccersary because it isnt that big of a drop.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hey now you have the 1.3, are you sure tha 55bhp is more than enough? haha

The tacho wire should still be in the dash, but I'd be more willing to connect it to the dizzy.

Bumpstops - i dunno, get the new springs installed and see how often you hit the bumpstops first! When the shocks travel past the bumpstops they are travelling into an area they're not meant to be in. Hence shortening the shock's lifespan.

35mm is only about an inch - which should be fine.


» CMF Member
Member since:
I've been trying to connect up some shift lights and found no rpm signal wire at all....the 96 lx I have only has the input tag from the ecu and no output tag from distributor....I was half way taking it apart but needed a TORX tool to take off the dust cover inside.....I now have a TORX tool and time today to do it..... fingers crossed.


» CMF Member
Member since:
My Nissan wiring diagram shows the tachometer wire coming out of the third pin from the end of a main cabin connector (M18) (the one the diagnostic connector is wired into). It is between a red and a red/white wire and it goes directly to the tachometer (doesn't appear to go through the gauge cluster?)
The wire color is L/B (lilac/Brown?).
On the female side of the main connector (F22) the wire coming from ECU pin 2 is labelled L/B(M) OR/B(C) which means lilac for manual and orange for CVT. There is a join partway along this wire. Hope this helps.


» CMF Member
Member since:
um.... i don't have any wires on any connector that matches what u describe..... the connector is the double one on the firewall inside behind the ecu, yeah? well, don't have it... I
can locate the red and the red/white wire and there's a gap where the rpm wires meant to be..... any suggestions or wll i find a point inside the dist.?