Right well student loans have changed this year. Amanda is getting more money this year because she lives away from home. But she doesnt get tution fee's paied, fair enough her mother is going to pay them anyway. So she has went up from about £1800 or something to over £4000.
Now i have lost money because my parents make less? I still get fee's paied for me, but ive lost money i shall recive, ok so i dont need the money next year for much BUT if amanda lived at home, her loan would be MORE then my loan + tution fees combined, this is STUPID. Its like the goverment are trying to keep poor people out of university's....
Now i have lost money because my parents make less? I still get fee's paied for me, but ive lost money i shall recive, ok so i dont need the money next year for much BUT if amanda lived at home, her loan would be MORE then my loan + tution fees combined, this is STUPID. Its like the goverment are trying to keep poor people out of university's....