ssc tut tut!

i think it was an msc meet at pod,,and we cant beat them ,,lol ther too quik
Tell them I'll come pay them a visit at the POD!

Come mid afternoon, we'll see who's laughing!


i think they know about your car,,(the 2.0ltr from crail?) lol

search the site for it
duno TBH saxos suck balls annyway no mater what you do to them there for boring unimaginative boy racers who folow the crowd like sheep... so it would be a meanaingless point if i win i win.. if i lose it doesnt really mater....
be a fun track day,,,just ignore the ssc lot :)

edit:btw thats a good point,wen we loose on the track,they still loosers for driving a saxo lol,,be good for the club to get as many members as possible ther
tbh, that spoiler on the back of the k12 does look daft, im not the worlds biggest fan anyway but growqing more towards it, however, makes it look like a pram
dont you know admin are from both clubs are lookig atsorting a track out for 2006? not a 1/4 mile,,,so you got your bends

they also said the curborough track was "gay" and mentioned some proper tracks to hire,,
curbourgh track gay... Yeah okay as gay as having a full track for only £300 a day is.... does anyone realise how much setting up is required to hire a track out!! and how much cash!!

TBH im not saying im turning up to anything because most likly nothing will happen as it never does even things i try and organise fall flat on there arse due to time commitment else where and Zero support from others...
If I organise this which I'm considering then things will happen.
thats why you gotto show some interest,,lol so it dont fall on its arse

you built a track car,so take it to the track!

check out the poll in general on this,and also link to the ssc on page 3 of typical corsa driver in general also,,some of the ssc boys said it dont have a loads of different bends and not wide enuff,and one went and didnt get out of 2nd gear,,i dunno jack about tracks,so i let sum1 that knows choose

thers abit of intrest in this looking at the poll,things are looking good atm,,but like you say lack of intrest could let it slip
Ed said:
If I organise this which I'm considering then things will happen.

Well i hope your prepaired to do all the work cos so far every event iv discussed with people is yeah id be intrested when YOU organise it ill turn up have fun and go home.. but dont make it exspencive cos i dont want to spend any money...

theres intrest in Carbon bonnets.. wings.. tailgates... but is anyone gona get there wallet out!!

if i put a poll up saying whos intrested in a 400BHP 4WD micra i bet youd get 50+ yes's buit whos gona buy one off me if i say ill do it for them....

iv built my car for the track it willl go on the track lol but im not organising a track day for everyone else.... im prepaired to pay £150+ for a proper track day....
the msc/ssc is organising it

and i want you to go thats all,,thought you mite enjoy it

edit:im sure deposits wil be taken before to make sure of the numbers attending,and the cash side of things is sorted,so thers no i aint got money crap....everyone has until may 2006 iirc its ages n ages away
i realise that but when people are calling viable sugestions "gay" it really makes me angry im trying to offer a fun track day for an EXTREAMLY CHEAP cost exactly what everyone wants... iv tried to organise group buys you get intrest but when it comes to payment F all happens...
yeah it was me who put the track to them,cos it was the chep and best option we had,and will be a good meet,,,but they have some proper trck cars also and used to the "not gay" tracks,,,i couldnt really start flaming on ther club site lol,,,,,if its a saxo/micra batle we gotto make it so everyone is happy

either way looks like the msc is having track action in 2006
Those forums are the worst forums i have ever seen. So unfriendly to the eye. Full of idiots aswell

time to buy a maglite LadyV keep it in your glovebox then batter his little bubble to a pulp then proceed to beat the silly **** driving it

No wonder road rage happens when people are geared up to cause damage!
Every fourm is diffrent. Here we're all a good bunch who get on, (well not always), but the general attitude of this place is good and Friendly.

I think a track day would be excellent, even if it was only Micras, and tbh i think it would be better if it only was Micras. Would set a few records straghit and also let us know our cars more better. Then i think we can challenge other clubs etc.

Although it all sounds great in theory, i've got to Agree with Raceworx. It will all be good on paper, but when it comes to it......

Titch :kungfu:
Ill just let people drive the ST round the track once, I bet on that alone I would cover costs hahaha. Thing is I probably have enough mates off the MSC to beable to do the day anyway.
Well im definitly up for it. She may be slow (at the moment) but the suspension mods will make up for that im sure :)

beat a 60 bhp car yesterday tho so maybe there isnt much between it and a standard ma12 ;)
Arnold said:
Those forums are the worst forums i have ever seen. So unfriendly to the eye. Full of idiots aswell

No wonder road rage happens when people are geared up to cause damage!

i dont like the site either,its hard to use and full of crap :)

what do you expect from a saxo forum? lol
and they have the guts to say matts was a trolly handle lol

lol, they should not dis micra's like that...

but that spoiler is kinda silly...they have a point...

I'd race a 1.0, but anything above is embarissing...
just a few things. there is only a couple of saxos VTS. that can beat my micra down the straight but round the bends i can lose serria costworth and any saxo i've ever meet so far.

NO more mercy gay saxo boy's
Comments like that make you just as bad as the few on SSC.
i'm sorry for the drop in intlegent comments. however i will allways stand by this comment. respect is earnt not just espected.
Not here is isn't. Everyone who uses the forums are expected to be respectful of everyone else, including people on other sites.