sr clocks wrong help!!!


Buy & Sell Member
Dont know why this has happened but i have replaced clocks for a set from ss model not the first time i have done this in fact the last set worked 100% ok but this time for some reason the temp gauge has gone through the roof car is not boiling over everything is running normally but the gauge is not right. Now i could just leave it and hope car never boils over or head gasket go,es wrong but that would not be right so my question is has anyone come accross this before or is it that the clock is simply goosed or even easier solution is it a sender that is wrong for the clocks.........come on guys the answer is here so help me out please.........ken

when i earthed my temp sender wire, guage went way past the red ! your feed wire may be earthing/shorting. i,de pull the wire to sender and see what happens to needle, then check plug in back of clocks

can you change the temp guage back to check it is a fault with the guage? maybe swap the actual temp guage unit.
well its something and nothing if i give it a hardy tap on right side of binicle where temp gauge is it drops to the correct position but when you hit a bump it goes back up, For now i can live with it until im well enough to give it the attention it deserves. Thanx for all replies most helpfull....
i dont think its sticky mAte as it moves to freely I think its more a connection or bad earth issue. Im going to check it out once my torn muscle injury stops hurting as much.....

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