spygate 2


i dont get what the problem is.

its competition, wich means when you have tried everything at your disposal and someone is still going faster than you, you need to find extra ways of finding speed.
so if you use another teams knowledge to gain yourself, it creates competition, cos then they have to find another way to go faster and so the sport evolves. otherwise there would only be one winner..... ferrari. you cant alter engines any more (untill 2012) airo is limited, tyres are fixed.....what else is there? its getting political and boring.

i mean i take nothing away from lewis hamilton, as hes the best driver the uk has ever seen period, but ask yourself this, would Kovalainen done the same thing given the mclaren? or rosberg? of even barrichelo for that matter.
its polotics and they have no place in sport.
you dont get it with any other motorsport. its all about money.

berny ecclestone said at the start of the season, "lewis hamilton will be a breath of fresh air to this sport and i hope he wins, hes got potential to stir up some controversy"

then a few weeks ago he said "i hope lewis doesnt keep winning at the rate he has or it will be bad for the sport as it will bring back memories of schumacher days when he was the only man on the top step"

i wish they would make their bleeding minds up.

i just watch Moto GP..... its full of characters like danni pedrosa and Valentino "46" Rossi who when he won as he crossed the line he stood up on his tank and played an air violin....and he has sat side saddle before, stopped for the toilet on the parade lap in a porta loo, worn a huuge red wig, a roman battle chest plate, he has his fans on the track afterwords, (whilst people are still racing)
its just soo much more laid back...
Ecclescake sure fixed that race with his big red Bernie button.....:laugh:

i've never understood the concept of spending...sorry, wasting at least £1,000,000 on a race every couple of weeks but i suppose some of those corporations have obviously got nothing better to do....

..it can be entertaining...at the start and the finish....