spring compressors


Micra In The Wild
i just bought some lowering springs to lowwer my 97slx by 35mm and would like to change the springs myself. i have read the other threads bout doin this and i am willing to risk doin to myself as one i enjoy workin on my car and two cant afford to get it done at a garage. only problem is i have been lookin on ebay for spring compressors and there seems to be more than one type and so i need to know what type i need and where to get them from any help will be apreciated alot thanx
Im not sure if this applies to the K11 but you may not need them. This procedure worked on my k10 - Loosen the bolts with the car on the ground then jack it up. As the car goes up, you decompress the springs, so they can be easily taken off without bits flying everywhere!
you do need them for the k11, its actually a doddle, i watched kristian do mine like n i was fiming with the fact i paid 50 when i got my springs fitted then 50 to get the shocks fitted when i could have done it myself, its just time consuming
I was able to do the rear without compressors, had to push axle down whilst someone pulled out old springs, new ones fit easier cause they're shorter, front you do need compressors
Pete, I have had trouble with those types in actually getting the spring short enough, the design is not really too great on them, the ones in my post I found to be much better :)
The only prob ive found with the ones you mentioned craig is that they catch the strut slightly when tightening up, so id suspect they could scratch up the paint and they do also start to twist slightly which if you dont check em they could go ping.

But ive used them for mine and my bros car without probs...take your time, keep checking everything and you should be fine.
i would recommend them simply for the safety factor max would cost £20 they which isnt an arm or a leg but the bolts on strut flying into is an arm or a leg even an eye...i prefer the ones rep posted but in the end they both do the job so dont matter which u have but like its already been said rears r piece of #### but u would most likely need 2 use them on fronts...
the rear is easy enough to do without compressors, they near enough fall out :)

However, the front they're required to remove the spring from the shock
Craig said:
Pete, I have had trouble with those types in actually getting the spring short enough, the design is not really too great on them, the ones in my post I found to be much better :)

Ah right fair enough!

Never tried your type of compressors, but the ones I used were ok :)

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