
Is that second auction for below the window?

Answering yur question i fitted both top and bottom spoilers on my old K10 took about 30 mins and very easy, just make sure if you drill hows to use rust protection!
hmm, below the window, ive got no idea to be honest, the description isnt the best either
D4R73N said:
Is that second auction for below the window?

Answering yur question i fitted both top and bottom spoilers on my old K10 took about 30 mins and very easy, just make sure if you drill hows to use rust protection!
Nissan micra mark 4 1994- 2002 spoiler

This is a TOP TAILGATE MS design spoiler and is painted in red.

id say its fist same as 1st spoiler
yeah i was thinkin about one of those, but I couldnt see any of them floating about on ebay, anyone got a link to one to hand? (Y)
if you can find one, go for a spoiler that mimics the ones used on the rally cars, i havent seen many of them, and they look very good.id put apic up, but i dont know how.....
D4R73N said:
Personaly msate, i'd go for the full window one, takes away the whole roundness at the back.

those are the kind of ones im looking for, im sure ive seen one or two floating about,

not too fussed on those rally style ones, a mate gave me a ripspeed spoiler to see if it would fit, didnt though, would have caught in the gap where the tailgate meets the back of the roof
so the 2nd link I posted I the one on the photo above? how do you go about fitting those anyway? (Y)

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