I know this isnt the first time i've tried this but think i've cracked it this time (providing the leds last longer then 5 minutes!)
Using 4 of these: http://www.ultraleds.co.uk/ultimate....html?osCsid=af668556755b12d4f313a9edd5115872
I have managed to make:
And the photo really does not do it justice at all. The white on the temp gauge is the camera, the colour spread is perfect (no hot-spots and all the same blue-color) and it is very very bright (which is not good for some people as it irritates/dazzles them) but I thought it looked spot on so just sharing my findings! :grinning:
(I know the leds in the link are xenon white but for some reason they actually give a nice blue colour)
Using 4 of these: http://www.ultraleds.co.uk/ultimate....html?osCsid=af668556755b12d4f313a9edd5115872
I have managed to make:

And the photo really does not do it justice at all. The white on the temp gauge is the camera, the colour spread is perfect (no hot-spots and all the same blue-color) and it is very very bright (which is not good for some people as it irritates/dazzles them) but I thought it looked spot on so just sharing my findings! :grinning:
(I know the leds in the link are xenon white but for some reason they actually give a nice blue colour)