Something for ed to compete with... :)

were going for a mix of vodka and nitorglycerine, at 4 bar i recon 4000BHP at 5000RPM lasts for 0.5 secs :p

but the supra is very nice not very drivable in the wet id imagine
0.5 sec should easily see you way into the field right at the end of SP runway :)
way into the field yes.. but the nitorglycerine will put you about 5 miles above the field lol :p
Could be a problem measuring that, or what was left of the grandstand.
could be a problem finding the driver.... well all the pieces of the driver, probley all over the audiences faces...ha
its alright me n raceworx will bolt trommans into the bucket seat cos hes the only kind of crazy mofo that would be up for it! strapped in with a richmond superkings on the go lol
Oh yus. trommans will drive hell be okay ill gaffer tape his arms and legs on to keep his body in one piece. the vodka will ease the pain.

ill put a transponder on the head of the lump. then time it from the start lime to 1/4 mile away. :D

Its more of a controlled detonation than a race