Snow Incident


Slid Into a curb @ 5-10mph this morning can anyone gimme a list of things to check i drove it home so that must be a good sign?
tyre seems fine, it went into it at a 45 degree angle and hit the front left tyre onto the curb and bounced back... dont want anything falling off!

Cheers Guys & Drive SAFELY :glare:
what position was the wheel in??? was it parallel to the curb or at an angle to it?

if it was paralell it could have knocked steering out, and possibly bent the wishbone but 5mph isnt fast so fingers crossed your ok.
At that type of speed I would be surprised if you've done anything more then knocked the alignment out. The tyre would have absorbed most of the impact.

I wouldn't worry to much to be honest.

Alloys or steelies? I did this last year bent a steel wheel but all that needed doing was the tracking (it needed doing anyway lol).
I did it at a slightly higher speed (around 20 I think) and bent the wheel so much I had to scrap the wheels. I also bent the wishbone on the front clipping a kerb at around 15mph.

Put the wheels straight ahead and check it's in the middle of the wheelarch, if it's pushed back a bit it means you need a new wishbone (cost me £45 for a jap part last time I got one)
thanks guys cant really see my wheels properly at the moment :( nor am i going to slide under to check wishbone! snow... get a day off but it attacks my car... lol anyways needed the tracking doing so will have a look before then!
you know if you CANT handle the weather use publc transport or get mum or gran to drive you round init mate
Just had a thought, how accurate was your speed guess? If you were sliding your speedo wouldn't have said the right speed.
Just had a thought, how accurate was your speed guess? If you were sliding your speedo wouldn't have said the right speed.

yeah your probably right but it was real slow i mean it was 5am on fresh sleet/snow wasnt gonna be taking any corners much quicker than 5/10mph had a look today and everything seems fine so will take it out and get tracking done soon and get him to double check everything.

oh and R-REG-SR if you never drive in the snow you wont learn now will you?
i have no sympathy for people that make remarks like that especially as im asking for advice on what to check not how to wimp out of driving altogether,

thanks guys once again (Y)
Lol, you tell him. And if it all goes wrong you've got an airbag. I'd be out of I had 4 wheels but it's just too risky on a bike.
Lol, you tell him. And if it all goes wrong you've got an airbag. I'd be out of I had 4 wheels but it's just too risky on a bike.

yep no airbag on the k10 :eek: i remember going around in all weathers on my little marauder 125 hail hurts dont it lol
yep no airbag on the k10 :eek: i remember going around in all weathers on my little marauder 125 hail hurts dont it lol

Oh yeah, well you got a seatbelt at least.

Sliding face down in the snow for 200 yards hurts a bit too, and if you have an open visor it gets filled up with snow. I really miss my micra this time of year lol.
just a small standard one no more than 6-7inches but it was covered in snow! :) actually probably smaller than 6-7inches
Ok at dat speed I'd say your grand..Ive seen alot worse..A mate of mine was on a road he didnt know and it was dark and he never noticed the sign for the speed ramp and this was at 60-70mph there was a small stone chip on his windscreen and now its a big crack from top to bottom and one side :( but other than that it was just a fright lol
Ok at dat speed I'd say your grand..Ive seen alot worse..A mate of mine was on a road he didnt know and it was dark and he never noticed the sign for the speed ramp and this was at 60-70mph there was a small stone chip on his windscreen and now its a big crack from top to bottom and one side :( but other than that it was just a fright lol

What a tool, obv breaking the speed limit as there's no speed bumps in NSL zones
lol curbs are #######s :D

Dicking about in the snow in my vauxhall viva till I got a little too close to the kerb:


Luckily it was on the rear and having a solid back axle ment wheel damage only :D
ouchies as long as you and everyone else is ok i guess! maybe you shouldnt play with your handbrake for a while though lol
oh shoot i remember doing my alloy in two weeks ago!(on a KERB) so yeh grandads reliant it is
apolojees from the crap torquer

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