Sorry for the delayed reply. Well I've had a good months break from it now I think. Its still sat in the back garden not doing much, and still looking the same. I still can't help but seeing the potential in it when I see it though.

Since I have had the break from it it has helped me to stop worrying so much about it, and I've decided that I'm gunna put my money into saving for a new car, probably a Yaris T Sport I think.
However, the beast will still be staying and I'm gunna do all of the work on it myself. I know how to do everything through reading, watching programs, and doing stuff myself, I just need the practise and this should give me the opportuniy to get it. Since I have a little bit more money now, I will only be paying for materials so it won't be too bad.
Sorry to Kev for messing you around with Barwell, I simply don't want to and can't justify spending that much more money on it again, so that is why I have chose to do it myself. At the end of the day, it now no longer matters how long it takes, whether I have to do stuff again or whatever as I have another run around for now, which is doing its job again, so I can spend alot of time getting it right, and less money by doing it myself. The rear lights will have to come out and be redone again, I may not go for brava ones again, but who knows. The rear lights, and the bonnet extension are going to be the hardest parts, the rest is just a case of sanding and shaping, so I'm gunna buy a few air tools over the time to help me out. With me starting a full time job, progress will not be quick, but I hope that all of you will keep on supporting me, as it really helps to push me to get it done. I'm working off my own bat now, so there's only me to blame if something goes wrong, and at least it aint gunna cost me too much.
Watch this space... and keep watching it til it hopefully gets done for sometime in the future.

Cheers guys and girls.