Really good....



Insurance company,Ive seen loads od adverts and friend of a friend type posts on the forums im on about people who can give really good and competitive insurance quotes and they always result in nothing but...

Another forum im on (a local NE generic site) has a member who works for Newton Lee Insurance and he has insured a lot of the members with really good prices. MY insurance renewal is up at the end of the month and im going to take out my own policy so i gave him a ring and he got back to me yesterday:

19 yr old male
Licence for 2 years
No convictions or out like that
1.8 Focus Zetec
Modifications (8)

Anyways the best pricei had been given by any company was £2100 for the year. HE got me £1500 which is a pretty goodprice i think, reall expensive when i think i should have just gone on my own name when i had the micra but learn from mistakes. Anyways my point is if any of you need your insurance renewing give him a try, whats the worst that could happen? Ask for Jamie (no-one else and say you seen his number on C4F).

The ony thing he asks is to get a few quotes fromelsewhere togive hima guide but he is uber cool.

Let me know how you get on if anyone does, i reccomend him and am taking out his policy nextmonth.

This is Jamie's own words:

Im currently gettin really really good deals for most of the quotes im doing for sports/performance/modified/imported cars.

Minimum age 19, at least 6 months Full UK license and there are some restrictions on some cars

Can cover all kinds of mods (which get replaced if you crash your car.......but please dont)

Gime a call and speak to ME ONLY!!! If im not free leave your name, number and say your off Cruise4Fun and ill ring you back.

Im certain i can save a lot of you money!!!!

0191 549 4949 - Jamie

i might have to give him a call :) my insurance is still £1200 TPFT :( thanks mate ;)
Reckon he'l do non northern members? mine's due very soon so might be worth a ring, although i've never ever heard of Newton lee insurance
i couldnt say but its worth a go, i dont see why not tobe honest, just tell him your off c4f and you should be fine i suppose, ive never heard of them before but i know quite a few people who have gone through em, worst you can do is give him a try and he says no
Arnold said:
Reckon he'l do non northern members? mine's due very soon so might be worth a ring, although i've never ever heard of Newton lee insurance

lmao @ non northern members :D

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