Quickest for the pod?


Ex. Club Member
Will it be better to use 13" Steelies for the pod or using wider 15's?

only wondering cause 15's will obviously give better grip due to them being wider but everyone say's 13's will make the car fastest cause there smaller,

but wont they have less grip?
It all depends on what rubber you put on the 13s I guess. If you put some budget ones on, No way! But you can get decent 13" tyres, I've seen 195/55/13 on Mytyres.co.uk and also 185/60/13 :)
13s bloke

its hard to start well on 15s with the little power micras have. itll either spin or bog down both ways losing you power, unless your good at starting.....
Would deff vote for 13's if you can get them, smaller wheel mans less to push, so in theory quicker starts!
i woz told the smaller wheels have less of a top end but are slower to get there
13's weigh less and you will have difficulty exceeding their grip unless you go mad for it at the start so they seem the best bet to me, I'm gonna use them anyway....
Any chance you can try both? Fair play about the weight getting down to Pod, but would be interesting to see the difference in wheels. Have to say I agree about using 13's if you get a good start as well. :)
What I think I'm gonna do it leave my 15's on the back and use 13's on the front and i'll change them round to see the difference
put tommo's 12's on mate. Just burn them out well on the line to get a bit of heat into them and make them sticky
also, let the pressures down to about 20psi. Just dont go fast round the corner at the end of the strip