Quickdraws SR20 Update


Micra K11ng
Well, Wayne started his conversion properly yesterday, and today me and a mate came up for a look.

Well 2 hours after starting the project. 3 mounts sorted, and engine sitting nicely on its own.
Saying that he already had one mounts sorted from the ga16 engine he had in prior.

The wiring loom all figured out now. Striped of its essentials. That will be wired up mid week, to then be mixed with his k10 loom (for lights etc.)

Checked all the ecu via a 12v supply, and everything seems to be running as it should.

Once i get pics ill upload them for the people who are interested.

Since he already has his suspension braks etc all done.
All that needs completing is his driveshafts (to which just need welding,) Gear linkage ( to which he is creating a short shifter for)
And his quick rack steering to be put on.

Obviously he also has to rebuild the body work from when he had to get towed. Ripping off his front bumper so on.

But he is happy with the conversion so far, and says all going well. Should have it on the road by the end of the month early next.

Will get pics up in a bit :)
Interesting to see the results of this! was also wondering when he's gonna finish dan's car too! lol
yep just got to install a srarter and where good for a test. it was alot easer that i thaught it was going to be, mounting engine only took a matter of hours.
got the loom working ime just gona splice the sr20 ecu loom on the the k10 via the fuse box, ing switch ect shoudnt be to hard if ive got time ile do it tomro
RIK the ecu loom and car loom are seperate, there is no point.
Starter motor aquired
Inline fuel pump borrowed from a cav SRI with adjustable regulator
engine cranking.

No spark but to dark to check earths, will test tomorrow.

Shafts sorted.

Quick shift gear linkage to be done

Quick ratio steering rack to be added.
Radiator to be plumbed in.
Exhaust to be fitted
Seem weld gearbox mount to strengthen


Will get few pics tomorrow for people if they so wish..
yeah it would be good to see the progress pics of Waynes car:)

wot shafts have been used/or customised to fit George?

it won't be long, b4 its all done:)
Wayne has sorted that side not me.
But is well known practice.

.. Quick update

Few cans later... we have the spark.

Which for those that dont know. means add fuel it will fire.

So all in all it has upto now took 4-5 hours on sat last weekend
Few nights, Few cans for the wiring.
4-5 hours today and we have the sr20 mounted and wired in sparking away..

through the aid of a computer power supply for the 12v feed :)

Will take plenty of pictures tomorrow in the day light.

Also of how low the car actully sits now with the weight etc.
He has also already took his coilovers off and is only on -35 mm springs yet still cant get a foot under the front bumper.

She alive.

First time.

Finally.... the car is running... load cos exhaust only goes through to the back of engine and stops before the cat but. is running.

Shall get video etc for all to see as soon as poss. Poss today if Titchs camera does video on it. Thats if he remembers to bring it.
Believe he modified them slightly.

Though i believe it was the strut tops that he altered
Nothing is a straight fit with a k10 lol. :p Nice one mate!!! Very happy to hear its running, may be paying him another visit after the show season this year to get the power sorted in mine if its all good when completely finished etc. :) Looking forward to seeing the finished product. :D
welll. a few up dates.




the wiring spliced together

Blue piece at top is the headlights etc. (k10 loom)
one below is the fuse box (k10) - ECU (sr20 then far right engine connectors)
bottom runs to back lights etc (k10)

Tad more...




Will get video stuff when possible as titch never popped round today.

and if any one knows how to lighten this mage up. it shows the back mount already lined up without a single bit of work done to it.

amazing :) i think the car stability is not strong enough :(
so in germandy you have to spend over 30 000€ to realise so a projekt
The car will be fine, I have a fair bit more power than an SR20 on full boost, and about the same as it is at the moment, and although I do admit I would not want to crash the thing, it is no so much power that its going to break the chassis..
Was speaking to Wayne about this also, but he plans to re-inforce it all anyway so hopefully there won't be any twist of damage to the chasis.

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