Quickdraw banned?

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wanted to ask him sumit as he is the mirca man and all that....
if you wanted to contact him you can get his msn addy off his profile on here :)
There are plenty of other people who are also able to help!
RE: RE: Quickdraw banned?

Ed said:
There are plenty of other people who are also able to help!

i 2nd that :),,,if you really need him try msn
This may keep cropping up so I wish to make this the last and final word about this on the MSC.

Wayne is now on a permanent ban, quite simply the admin of this site have had enough of having to deal with on a daily basis the problems Wayne has been causing behind the scenes of the MSC. He has problems with myself which to be quite honest I have no interest in hearing any more, and am fed up of his threatening behaviour. He is unable to understand that he does anything wrong, and is also unable to see that we only have intention of keeping the MSC a calm and happy place to be on. If I receive any more threats from him or via others I will not hesitate to take whatever action is necessary. He should know better.

I want to also warn that if anyone allows him to post on here with their account they are also putting their account at risk at the very least you will receive an official warning. Its a very very sad situation to be in, but the admin refuse to have the MSC brought down to this level, and we have decided that there is nothing else that can be done about this as so many off board warnings have been given in the past.

Things have been forced into a corner, and unfortunately there is no other choice, it ends NOW. I do know this will cause yet more problems, I do also know that MANY of the NE members will not be happy that this action has been taken, and I'm sorry to say but again I am sure many of you will hear no end to it. Again it’s unfortunate as you are all friends, but we cannot have things like these continuously causing problems on the MSC.

Finally again to make this very clear, this is permanent, its not open to consideration, this has already been done many times in the past, the decision is final.

I’m sorry to have to post such a negative thread, but Wayne is a loud and outspoken person and so we feel it is important that these matters are made very clear.
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