project: restore mike


Ex. Club Member
Well just finished the first full day of project: restore Mike

As some of you will know Jamie (MMS bird) had a little accident in her car and left quite a bit of damage.

well i awoke nice and early this morning (grr) but hey so i cracked on and started ne ways.

first things first was for a cuppa :p but then opff i went to the local motorfactors.
i had set plans to firstly tackle the sill as this was all creased and buckled.

So, as said, i went down to the local motor dealers. to get a new sill plate. Luckily, (and rather unexpectadly) they had one in. (Normally require to order it in) so was well pleased.

So off i went back home.
set to removing all the damaged panels
off came the wing and door
first proper look at the sill and inner door :S
not good.. but brand new plate in hand i set to drilling out all the spot welds to remove the plate that i was to replace.

after spot welding the plate into place. making sure all angles were right. the major part of the uglyness was gone. the big crease right up the inner door.
whilst door etc off aswell i set to panel beating all the rest of the bits and bobs that were damaged getting them sumwere near to were they should be. then it just a case of schmoothing it all in. which was next job.

whilst all that was drying i sanded back and primed both the new door and wing (which point i realised a slight dent in the wing (grr) non metallic didnt show this. but hey. so i filled that aswell. and schmoothed that out. and re primed. set to giving inner door a good coat of paint to!

looking good so far and only half a door gone not bad

(at this point i got a nice little pressy of jamie in the form of a nice zinger tower meal from KFC (cheers babe)

ne ways. since i am going up to scotty land in the morning for around 4 days pick up another micra :devil:
i decided (since jamie was gonna be struggling to get to from work and uni.) that i could get the back end sumwere near i would spray the wing door and back 1/4 panel with a good coat of paint (unlaquered etc) but this way she could now drive the car around all weekend without much difference from normal.

then drop him back off to me when i get back .

progress today went very well indeed, and i am very happy with the progress so far.

day 1 over and she is now driving him about again all happy :p
needs a bit more attention still, plus im doing aload more things to make him a little more pleasent, so she be good. and jamie should have a very nice car at the end of it to!

Dan has took loads of photos so ill let him post them up when he gets chance. maybe some before and after shots.

but thanks to donny im back in the spirits of cars again. just needed a little break away from it all!!

see how next week goes. ill keep all updated to!
Lol, much appreciated by both me and Jamie mate. Must say you worked quick and did a great job!!! Donny also got me in the spirit, and I'm even more keen to learn now, even just helping you (even though I didn't do much) was a good learning experience for me, and its something I would love to do when I get a lil older lol. :D Its great just seeing something come back to life and looking the way it should. As you say still a long way to go and alot of smoothing still but its looking somewhere pretty close now and its very kool. :D Very impressed when I came round today at dinner time!!! I will get the before and after pics up in a bit, when I get them hosted, its coming on though. Also fitted the indicators and chrome washer jets (but ripped the LEDs off lol ;)) so along with some colour coding it should look very nice!!! :) Good man Wayne, you worked well, and I will be up there next week to help you and strip and soundproof the whole car, so its all good!!! :D
thats a good days work that Wayne, got admire the workmanship gone into it - well done laddy - oh yeah you may notice Wayne has invented a new sport - 'extreme restoration' - hence the knee pads :D
Man, may i just say from seeing the damage to the car about a week ago, its a major transformation! And Danni's car will be looking all good again after you've had your hands on it.
Glad to see that your back in the spirit of things mate, and you'll get the K10 finished soon enough i'm sure. Also nice to see Dan getting inspired to.
Wayne, your definitly one of the best additions to this club, for more reasons than this mate.
the knee pads are because my knees are buggererd to say it nicely!!

half a plastic left knee cap on the left leg aint good. (bmx compitition accident when i was 13. half pipe metal edging dont do u good) and since it was raining when i started the floor was freezing. which locks up my knees. and if that happens i cant get back up. end up doing a kinda half roll onto my back so i can try push my legs straight again. damn painfull i tell thee
Yep, I gotta say, I'm well impressed with the progress so far!!! I'm so happy Mike's "lookin fine" as G likes to say hee hee :laugh:

Can't thank you enough Wayne for doin this for me :D :D :D

And thanks to Dan too for helpin. I would if I could lol, but...well...erm....I have an excuse lol :p

Looking forward to seeing the finished product :love:
also may i add, any chance to promote his k10 lol dan will. this is supposed to be jamies thread but you still had to put one of your in ha ha - quality
:laugh: :laugh :laugh: You know it lol... although only a select few will see it in the next few months when some major bodywork changes take place until beginning of July. ;) However this is Jamie's thread and doesn't need to be discussed here. :p
Wow, thats some fine work youve done there quicky! You're definitly an asset to this site!Not bad for a day's work at all!
I know what u mean about your knees, ive been diagnosed with a form of arthirits, and i have it in my left ankle and right knee, its sux!
well iv got to say im well impressed with waynes work today. I went over about 11 to go to halfords 4 him and he was well on the way.... then i went back over about 230 and the plate was welded in... the 1/4 panel was smooth, the wing was sprayed and he was in the process of gettin the door nice n smooth...
Plus the good thing about actually watching wayne work is you can see the hard work that he puts in to get it exactly how it should be.
well done wayne :)

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