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Project daily

On the second time of writing out this post after the first one vanished , im going to do this one abit shorter this time lol I picked up my new car today after a month or so at looking at other micras, and just seeing obscenely priced rubbish. I wanted something decent and either a 3dr prefacelift, or a late 1.4 3dr. With so many autos or 5drs on the market things were looking bleak, but the day after I received my cheque (the last one got written off) I found this, and picked it up today.



A CLEAN 1.4 3dr manual facelift. More to come later, i just want to make sure this doesnt vanish again lol
it is mate, 12 service stamps, original floor mats, bodywork 99% mint and pretty much drives like a new car, appart from minor rattle in the back. Goes like a belter too above 4k :)

Tomorrow is a day of tcut and polish. Its fine as it is, but it'd be rude not too. I had plans to mod it, but it almost seems a shame as its sorted as it is. I have got alloys that need to go on it, and it will probably just progress from there lol
Ive just looked and there doesnt seem to be a light around the ignition barrel, but it does seem to have a leather bound steering wheel as there is stitching around it, and ive just noticed the vented discs:D It seems strange that theres a pocket on the back of the passenger seat, but not the drivers seat? Im off out the polish the #### out of it now, and fit a decent radio, so ill no doubt find more things on it that i didnt know it had. Sadly, I think im more chuffed that its got chrome door handles than anything else!
Didnt get to poplish it today as the rain was stop-start all day, instead I washed it, cleaned and polished all the door surrounds and removed the rear seal and cleaned around the boot. Didnt need much. And cleaned the gunk out that was in the sunroof seal, cleaned the glass, cleaned up the grey on the bumpers, polished the door mirrors and took this out

And replaced it with this

This is how its looking now after a wash

And heres the new mascot. Ive got no idea how long ive had it, but I knew id kept it for something

Now that ive spent a day on it mods have been going through my head. Remove the aircon, Prefacelift rear lights, clear side repeaters, early facelift grill surrounds, and these wheels

Referbed with a polished rim with the spokes in grey like the bottom of the bumpers (other ideas welcome), and the right size tyres with a drop, but that wont happen in a hurry.

Anyone know if the suspention was uprated on these? Seems to handle extremly well, in all its a total transformation compared to my old one, really quiet as well.

Please excuse the quite simply pants MS paint photoplop, but you get the idea. The wheels are 6x14 ET38, and are very light, and currently black/mud. Im going to paint them and dont know wether to do them all silver, silver with a polished rim, or grey like the bumpers with a polished rim. As for tyres, ive looked into 185/50/14 but they are silly money, so for now they will be fitted with the standard 165/60/14, or will they look silly considering the wheels sit just in from the wheel arch? does anyone have pics of micras fitted with 165/60/14 on a 6/14 rim? Lows will come, along with suitable spacers if needed, but not just now. So what do y'all recon on colour?
Not much to update, just that some muppet bumped the front of it whilst parking pushing the bumper back about 5mm (i saw him do it, i wasnt nice about it) and someone else scraped the rear bumper. I didnt notice it until I got home and got the right hump about it. Neither bump or scrape were major but I paid a little extra for a good clean straight car, and not it isnt. A bit of a pisser TBH.
On the plus side ive fitted some prefacelift rear lights as the facelift ones are a bit naff looking generaly, and fitted the smaller early facelift grill. Got these back today, had to share.

The wheel with the centre cap does actualy use a paint tin lid as the centre cap. I had no caps with these and the lids were laying about. Its the right size and will be painted to match tomorrow.
i like 2001 facelift facelift rear lights as there no orange and you carnt see where the reverse light is. imo they look much cleaner. :)

good find, oem mats ftw! but iam anal about all optional extras and rare oem parts :p
Not much to update, just that some muppet bumped the front of it whilst parking pushing the bumper back about 5mm (i saw him do it, i wasnt nice about it) and someone else scraped the rear bumper. I didnt notice it until I got home and got the right hump about it. Neither bump or scrape were major but I paid a little extra for a good clean straight car, and not it isnt. A bit of a pisser TBH.

K11 bumpers are pretty weak, especially the rear one, which tends to crack in the middle, just above the licence plate and under the front badge. I avoid parking in line anytime it's I can, because I know people don't care...
Having some time off work has given me time to fit the wheels.

With added digital lows :D Its running the standard tyres for now, they look alot better given the extra inch in the wheel, when these tyres are toast ill be looking for something a little wider to fill the arches. No need for spacers on the front, but I have some 5mm spacers that I may fit to the back. Pull from a standstill better now due to the instant weightloss in the rotating bits:)
gave it a good wash as the wheels looked out of place due to the fresh paint, and the car being filthy. Then took it out for a drive via a full monty brekfast.

This is it as it stands, on stilts. It really could do with a height adjustment but its used everyday so I dont wasnt to go too low but low enough that it makes a difference, 30-35mm might be enough but 50mm would be more like it. Im really happy with the difference in handling, through the twisties it still flops about abit but it turns in alot better as theres a little less tyre flex now.
Got home and finnished the centre caps. I think I prefer it without the caps, might see if I can take abit more off them to make them sit lower in the wheel. Theyre spay tin lids, best I could do.
Oh well, looks like another one is about to get written off. As I was returning home from work someone parked the wrong way onm the other side of the road (facing the same way as me) pulls out, stops, and as im about to drive past them they pull out and hit the rear side of my car. Its left a dent and a crease on the side panel in front of the arch, scuffed the tyre and scraped the rear arch. Fortunatly the wheel got away lucky, but im worried its going to get written off due to the cost of repair. It doesnt look too bad at first glance, but the fact that the outer and possibly inner arch are both damaged is the bit that concernes me. When my old black one got written off it was annoying, but this one is really frustrating as ive only had it a couple of months and its just what id wanted, a very clean undamaged 3dr 1.4 manual, that just happens to be a nice spec. No pics as yet but i dont even want to go and look at it.:(:mad:
I want too keep it, ive really become attached to it, its just a case of wait and see. In the past few years ive been rear ended three times, been pulled out infront of twice (heeeaaavy impact in one) and one pride and joy m2 granada was stolen. The first micra was bought because I could no longer be bothered with cars, now my enthusiasm is with micras but each time it happens I cant help but think things like ''Cant be bothered'' and ''why the fxxx me?'':confused:

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