2022-04-02 Fit new BC BR coilovers
Time to install the new coilovers, but first I was curious to see her slammed low ?
so I removed the springs off the old BC V1 coilover
sickk! ??
the rear was wayy too low with the tyres rubbing/ripping the bumper mount off whilst pushing her out the garage, had to remove the spacers to narrow the wheel track & allow it to move ?
looks neat but highly impractical & inconvenient for me ?
removed the old dampers
swapped the rear top mounts over & matched the bottom mount length
comparing the various lengths of BC rear springs ?
left: the original BC V1 rear coils are 3kg/mm and 200mm long
middle: new BC BR rear coils are also 3kg/mm but only 180mm long, which might cause issues with being uncaptive when you lower it too much considering the new dampers have a longer travel
right: the 5kg/mm rear coils I brought for the V1 is 190mm long, has a wide ball shape and is curved over
the old spring perch screwed under the chassis was really seized, so decided to leave it on
cleaned the threads and screwed the new BC BR adjuster rings onto the old perch and fitted the new dampers
adjusted the bottom ring to set the rear bumpstop
until the tyres clear the arch/bumper/exhaust etc by 5mm when you jack up the axle beam
with the bumpstops set, I fit & adjust the rear springs till it sits at the target -50mm height
now for the fronts, removed the springs, roughly set the bottom hub upright ring to match the old setup
fit the unsprung strut & wheels
lift the wheel up (lock to lock) with a jack underneath (wedging the brake pedal on helps to lock the wheels steady) until it hits bumpstop and lifts the body.
measure the gap and readjust the bottom ring till the tyre just clears the arch & chassis by 5mm
reinstall the front springs with zero preload
the new front springs sit 15mm too high even at zero preload ?
my options are either:
-raise the bottom hub ring without touching the bumpstops, which drops the height but tyres will hit the arch during bumpstop.
-raise the bottom hub ring (to drop the height) and increase the bumpstops with washers on top to prevent tyres rubbing the arch but at the cost of reduced droop travel.
-fit helper springs to drop it by 35mm but retain the same bumpstop, bottom ring position & full suspension travel, which is my ideal choice
I first fitted the helper springs & set the adjuster ring at the lowest relaxed position to see where it sits.
it now sat 20mm below target
so now I can raise the adjuster ring to increase preload, squishing the helper spring and raising the height back up to my target -50mm lowered height
fitted the protective coilover covers
new coilovers sitting at the correct ride height

needs an alignment & corner balancing soon