I need a bit of input here as im racking my brains. Basically im doing an hons degree in Criminology & Forensic Science and have just started my second year and have been offered the chance of going on a placement year next year and then returning the following year to sit my final year and finish my degree.
It wont be within a Forensic science role but it will be within the science sector and it sounds pretty intriging actually but i cant make my mind up. Im not keen on the idea of having to wait yet another year before i graduate and finally get out of the education system however i fancy working full time for a year, getting the experience etc + it would look good on my CV
I needto make my mind up by next week and i cant decide, im leaning towards doing it but im put off of the thought and not being in the same class as my class mates im with now as ive bonded with em pretty well.....grrrr
Im going to see an autposy in a few weeks which should be interesting...
It wont be within a Forensic science role but it will be within the science sector and it sounds pretty intriging actually but i cant make my mind up. Im not keen on the idea of having to wait yet another year before i graduate and finally get out of the education system however i fancy working full time for a year, getting the experience etc + it would look good on my CV
I needto make my mind up by next week and i cant decide, im leaning towards doing it but im put off of the thought and not being in the same class as my class mates im with now as ive bonded with em pretty well.....grrrr
Im going to see an autposy in a few weeks which should be interesting...