Petrols Up Again


Ex. Club Member
Has anyone else noticed that its creeping up again. It was 90.9 at my local Shell, then it was 91.9 a week or so later, then 92.9 the week after that and then in the same week its went to 93.9.

Pretty much the same price it was when people were complaining. Something should be done about it, its daylight robbery. grr
i'm sure there will be protests again. The raise must have something to do with hamstead burning down. That was a lot of fuel gone :s
Yeah i noticed the gradual rise. Been 90 for ages here, and is now between 93 and 95 in numerous places ive stopped at.
with most of the public annoyed about people blocking oil refineries and petrol station as a way of protest, i am not one of them. if car owner's voices cannot be heard through normal channel then i think its right to protest in that way. i'd say go ahead and block again, the longer the better! (just wait till i get enough petrol first) haha
whats the deal with these prices is it no where near as high in the rest of europe but in a country that has its own oil fields we pay some of the highest prices in the world.
blockades are in order - i don't mind getting the tram to work for a few days if it means i can have petrol at 70p again!
why cant people just pay it and get on with there lives? its not the end of the world

thers other things more important to protest about ...
Its due to America's oil situation, not hemel.

But yes, it does suck. It's crazy to think how much it's gone up recently.
we cannot just sit back and watch them raise consumer prices all the time. now its petrol, it could be something else next time which could affect you more.

protesting isnt just about protest about petrol but it sends a message out telling the govenment that they should consider about the consequences before they next make a decision like increase tax and we will not simply pay any amount they ask for!:down:

its stupid to not do anything about it tbh....
RIK said:
why cant people just pay it and get on with there lives? its not the end of the world

thers other things more important to protest about ...

yeah its not the end of the world but its a bit unfair considerin its half the price in the usa and a lot less in europe its just another case of the motorist paying the governments bills
if my petrol tax goes towards things like..stopping idiots getting into the country,stopping terrorists,stopinng smoking,going to NHS,schools,buying nukes...and looking after IMPORTANT things i have no problem with it

yes i think the people that run the country are ****.but i dont like people moaning crap .

think yourself lucky your in this country and not on the train lines tryna get in!!!!!!!
We need to get "V" on this! He sorted the Parliment out in the movie sure he could sort this, if not Chuck Norris will just throw some round house kicks about.
lets not try to argue here, there will always be people like Rik who doesnt approve of protests.

I'm sure he will start to give more attention when future tax increases affect him greatly personally. e.g. say the govenment slap a 100% increase on new car RRP (like Hong Kong) when u're about to buy one or takes more income tax from your hard earned money? would you want to say something then?............(it might be too late then!)fwn
it pee's me off 2 grand of what i will be earning next year will probably go to 14yo girls with 9 kids on council estates but hey.. lol
rlees85 said:
it pee's me off 2 grand of what i will be earning next year will probably go to 14yo girls with 9 kids on council estates but hey.. lol

lets put them on the streets then shall we...good young mothers a home is more important than giving you cheaper feul to go cruising not against protest if its for a good reason
RIK said:
lets put them on the streets then shall we...good young mothers a home is more important than giving you cheaper feul to go cruising not against protest if its for a good reason

if they didnt get a house promised they wouldnt go get themselves up the stick for the sake of it. there was an article in the sun last week about a 15 year old who said, and i quote, "I never got on with my parents, and wanted my own place and now i have one"
there are more important things for the government to pay for than petrol, i have no problems admitting that, but paying for houses for chavs who cant keep their legs shut isnt one of them
Layla said:
but paying for houses for chavs who cant keep their legs shut isnt one of them

haha layla!!

Rik i can see where you are coming from. at the end of the day motorists are paying over the odds to keep a car already so thats why we're a bit unhappy and want to show our concern. now there is congestion charge in London and M6 Toll, ever thought that it could happen to your local area and motorway?fwn
tse_adam said:
haha layla!!

Rik i can see where you are coming from. at the end of the day motorists are paying over the odds to keep a car already so thats why we're a bit unhappy and want to show our concern. now there is congestion charge in London and M6 Toll, ever thought that it could happen to your local area and motorway?fwn

it would be o.k if i got a londoners wage ;)

i dot see a problem with 15 year olds having kids

1.its there choice,they might think peple are stupid for getting a educaion and a good job when you dontt need to
2.its not for us to make comments on(none of our buissnes)
3.the white populations birth rate is low as it is,so stop moaning :D
RIK said:
1.its there choice,they might think peple are stupid for getting a educaion and a good job when you dontt need to

theres a woman in newcastle who has 15 children to 15 fathers and makes nearly 50k a year in benefits. if this is your idea of justice you are more of a moron than you let on
Layla said:
theres a woman in newcastle who has 15 children to 15 fathers and makes nearly 50k a year in benefits. if this is your idea of justice you are more of a moron than you let on

and whos the dumb one?? the guys or her
what the #### has this got to do with petrol? if you want to divert the topics of threads then go ahead but say something worth listening to rather than the crap you usually come out with
yeah but they can't just say "no one told me" cos how the hell did they learn what sex was when they are sleeping with their 14 year old boyfriend, sex education isnt great in this country, but if it were that bad, we all would have kids by now? But thats totally off topic. IMO you should take an IQ test to have a child, if your under average, no kiddies for you :D
Layla said:
what the #### has this got to do with petrol? if you want to divert the topics of threads then go ahead but say something worth listening to rather than the crap you usually come out with

fine..i wouldnt have gone on for so long if i didnt have anything to reply to!

case closed
more people agree with my crap than your crap though. your crap is offensive and mindless, completely irrelevent to the topic being discussed, and to top it all off, you irritate seven shades of #### out of me
Layla said:
more people agree with my crap than your crap though. your crap is offensive and mindless, completely irrelevent to the topic being discussed, and to top it all off, you irritate seven shades of #### out of me

o.k win!
*removed to stop other members from getting upset*. I dont see why i should pay for some stupid girls (and guys) who do not know what (or how to use) a condom.

edit: would also like to add all my petrol is currently spent on getting to and from work, NOT cruising, nice assumption tho ta.
guys cool it before the moderator come in and kick some butt :blush: i started this crap i will apologise for that but lets get back on subject. i was bloody furious when i found out 70% of petrol price is tax:down:
Saying that the white population is low at the moment is a statement, a FACTUAL one at that. It has nothing to do with racism at all, please look the word "RACISM" up in the dictionary and dont scream racism when you hear the words "white or black" - the conditioning of your mind layla is quite disturbing.
As for you Rlees... you seriously need to chill out abit..

Also, males should be given the snip at birth, and have to "apply" for it re-instilling for a temporary period... (once the farther has found an acceptable mate and applied for a child)
chill out? im hardly annoyed im just arguing my point and letting rik know what i think of him and how stupid it is having to come on here and read his pointless arguements all the time. As if i could get worked up over something that happened over the net ;) lol
In which case you sir are a windup merchant and contribute nothing but anquish and strife upon these forums...

plz entertain yourself with yahoo chat, and when you wish to contribute - come here.
actually make that a generallised IRC, mIRC is a decent client, but there are other/better options, depending on your point of view :)
lol i was just saying what 90% of the people on this forum are thinking.. ill delete the post if it stops you from crying.
my posts cause arguments because i dont want to type IMO/IMHO all the time so i dont touch a nerve.
i dont try to make threads go off topic.they go off topic anyway its called a conversation

some people cant argue they way out of a wet paper bag..even when they are right.and lower themselves to name calling over the net.lmfao