Petrol to rise to £1.15 per litre

After I came off my bike I waited 4 hours while my knee swelled up like a balloon, then they were too busy filling in paperwork and asking stupid questions to treat me, they could've done that while I was waiting, in the end I walked out, well hopped.

All our taxes go on overpaid MP's and lazy ####ers on benefits
Some rather extremist views on here!
I agree with some of them to an extent, A&E is so much better than it used to be, i remember when i broke 3 fingers it was 7 HOURS!!! That I had to weight, that was 8 years ago now though.

When i had my motorbike accident they actually brought in 2 extra specialists from leeds as well as the Hull one! Then a 12hour operation so if you missed it that day you can thank me!
you want extremest :D

when I broke my wrist, the waiting list was so long I decided to drive to the ex military hospital another 10miles away. Got in, got seen straight away. Was out within an hour with a cast. Power steering would have been nice. Yes there were a few tears :p
i dont understand the government and im not going to try to. all im saying is wther petrol be 34p a litre or £34 a litre we are still going to pay it because it is a nessesity and we need it. the government has messed up...i dont know where but they have....they want everything to be perfect...but all the problems in this country are currently bringing them income...smoking, cars the lot. dont even get me started on benifit stealing immagrants. just watching border force on sky 1 boils my blood. one thing i have noticed recently is people drive slow :/ like under the speed limit...everywhere and not just the odd person ...alot of people. petrol is becoming expensive and people are driving more sufficiently to save as much as they can. and like pete said no matter what social class you are its still gona hit you hard. petrol prices effect all of us...we will all complain together and we will all have to get over it together....because having a little rant about it is not going to change the price on those pumps. so to be honest i dont care what the government says or does becasue i know nothing i can do will change it. im just going to ease off on the right foot and try and get my wallet to stretch a little further.
All i msayin is #####! becuase when my grandad died all his life savings was ravaged by inheritance tax, after he served the country in the war, worked his arse off all his life, paid everything never in debt everything there greedy and took more than enough, the country is on its knees you all know it AND the police im sorry if the offends are dog ####! my mates bikes were stolen brand new
CBF125, they dint give a flying #### they told us to keep away or else they will arrest us basically we asked around and eventually found the bikes! we saw them some little chavs riding them no helmets ragged them they were smahed up so we rang the police they said dont go near them or we could be done for theft!!!
of there own bikes! sod that we got them a bit of force applied we have them they are ruind
2month old bikes and my mates are gettin some kind of #######ing im telling you if we dint get them bikes back they would have been gone the next day sold for 100 quid ####in tossers!!!!!!!!

tell me wheres the justice?? explain and i will listen!!!
Tax is a funny system, your employer pays tax for paying you, you pay tax for earning money, if you save the money you get taxed, if you spend it you pay VAT and if you pass it on your children get taxed. So thats the same bit of money getting taxed 4 times.
i dont understand the government and im not going to try to. all im saying is wther petrol be 34p a litre or £34 a litre we are still going to pay it because it is a nessesity and we need it. the government has messed up...i dont know where but they have....they want everything to be perfect...but all the problems in this country are currently bringing them income...smoking, cars the lot. dont even get me started on benifit stealing immagrants. just watching border force on sky 1 boils my blood. one thing i have noticed recently is people drive slow :/ like under the speed limit...everywhere and not just the odd person ...alot of people. petrol is becoming expensive and people are driving more sufficiently to save as much as they can. and like pete said no matter what social class you are its still gona hit you hard. petrol prices effect all of us...we will all complain together and we will all have to get over it together....because having a little rant about it is not going to change the price on those pumps. so to be honest i dont care what the government says or does becasue i know nothing i can do will change it. im just going to ease off on the right foot and try and get my wallet to stretch a little further.

Driving slowly doesn't save you petrol. Driving slowly in your top gear does. It's all ########. Chicanes, traffic lights, speed bumps, 20mph zones, they all use a #### load more petrol then if you could drive straight through at 40 (30 isn't comfortable in 5th gear). And it's not the drivers that are hitting people, it's the pedestrians that are running into the cars, otherwise a lot more pedestrians deaths would be happening on the pavement where pedestrians are meant to be, rather then the road, where cars are meant to be. :glare:

I'm waiting for the truckers to start armageddon on the government. They'll save us all, by bringing the country to a stand still.
ill be joining a standstill if petrol hits 1.15 the goverment gets upto 50% of the cost of what we buy on things, there taking the p*** taking money off us, i live in sheffiled pay road tax and the main roads are in a worse state than going on a country lane in derbyshire so wheres the money going that we pay for the roads?? in there pocket!
Chicanes, traffic lights, speed bumps, 20mph zones, they all use a f*** load more petrol then if you could drive straight through
Spot on. Forcing UNNECESSARY use of the brakes (and accelerator) is NOTHING but a waste of fuel, and time, and ultimately generates more revenue for the thieves who dictate these stupid fallacies. A steady speed is FAR more efficient. I have to negotiate a dozen or so road ramps just to get from my house to the main road 50 yards away, due to the stupid f***ing one-way system, then have to wait an age to get out onto said road because there is NO provision for residents to easily exit the area now the viaduct has been levelled (also at our expense).

And it's not the drivers that are hitting people, it's the pedestrians that are running into the cars, otherwise a lot more pedestrians deaths would be happening on the pavement where pedestrians are meant to be, rather then the road, where cars are meant to be. :glare:
Only last week, I was forced to STOP on the dual-carriageway, part-way round the corner onto the side-road, because these stupid tw*ts (mother and father pushing a baby in a buggy and another small child walking with them) smiled at me and walked across the road in front of me. I was very nearly rammed by another vehicle as a result. Not only would I have been screwed for making a dangerous manoeuvre (driving without due care and attention, stopping on a double yellow, whatever), they would have thrown the book at me AND my car would have been wrecked in the process :mad: All the councila re likely to do though is reduce the speed limit even further rather than addressing the problem - speeding fines GENERATE revenue, EDUCATION COSTS MONEY :mad:

- BG -
and you could bring the scrapage scheme into this, cars getting scraped that your average joe blogs would normally buy ie working class, means no cheap cars for the working class to buy, and those on low incomes which means the govenment sooner or later will make it impossible for you to own a car let a lone run it so the price of fuel is just the tip of the iceberg in the greater scam of things