Petrol prices


Buy & Sell Member
Well again its going up, so ive just been comparing prices in europe and the like we arnt the highest but were up there, And it looks like your peeing in the wind when it comes to anyone doing anything about it, we just have to grin and bear it......Is there another way to get the govenment to drop fuel costs blockades didnt work a few years back so what will. Maybe we should just ban the pump alltogeather pick a month say august and no one buy petrol it would cost them millions, it would not work though as people ie the public wouldnt do it which brings us full circle back to where we are..........
Fuel prices are
UK AVERAGE 116.1 Per cent taken as Tax 63.3
Okinawa Japan £1.59 a gallon
Austria 102.41
Belgium 103.66
Czech Republic 104.41
Denmark 114.34
Finland 99.36
France 110.20
Germany 107.33
Greece 106.08
Netherlands 106.53
Hungary 102.15
Ireland 103.57
Italy 113.61
Luxembourg 86.82
Estonia 98.64
Norway 127.13

Latvia 92.11
Lithuania 89.12
Poland 93.97
Slovakia 90.49
Slovenia 97.66
Portugal 95.33
Spain 93.18
Sweden 112.44
Switzerland 107.98
United States 51.20
prices are in pence per litre
shocking... i hate this government...usa are getting the best deal ...if we could keep it around £1 a litre that wouldnt be so bad...and 60+ pence tax a litre thats daylight robbery
Ive given up feeling down about this to be honest. Petrol prices WILL increase alot yet and I very much doubt they'll ever go back down to the 90p we had not so long ago but I dont solely blame the recesion for this, the facts are that fuels running out and its scaring people but theres not a lot we as the people at the bottom of the ladder can do other then think of bright new ideas to run our vehicles!
what a depressing thread :down:

it's sorry state of things when your own government takes over 60p in tax!

i can't remember exactly when (so don't go taking my literal word for it) but the bbc breakfast show done a short term forecast and said that prices are likely to hit the £1.20 mark by summer.

next they'll be wanting a limb when you go to fill up
It's already hit £1.20. I'm paying £1.24 for super unleaded :(

I wrote to an MP who's got his head stuck in the sand blaming oil companies for fuel prices, despite the price of oil being lower than it was when fuel prices were this high last time. He actually replied saying he wants to impose higher tax on the oil companies, reducing the price of fuel at the pump. I doubt that'll ever happen!
I wrote to an MP who's got his head stuck in the sand blaming oil companies for fuel prices, despite the price of oil being lower than it was when fuel prices were this high last time. He actually replied saying he wants to impose higher tax on the oil companies, reducing the price of fuel at the pump. I doubt that'll ever happen!

On the same bbc show they were saying that the high price of fuel is due to the recent recession and high interest rates, and that prices of fuel will level out eventually. Yeah right, since when has the rise in petrol prices ever gone back to an acceptable level?

I would feel sorry for you, Arnold, but truth is we're all likely to be paying that amount, and then some, in the not too distant future.

bottom line - less driving, more walking (i would say public transport, but that's just horrid lol)
Will have to convert the micra to a 1.9 turbo diesel! lol would be fun when the front end leaves me standing there :p
the government are fat cats :D
there is an easier (55p/L) option tho shaun :wasntme:

Ditto, although LPG has gone up a lot over the last 6 months. Hartlepool ASDA is up from 49.9ppl to 52.9ppl last time I was there in Feb. In and around London you're looking at 63.9ppl from the likes of's getting harder and harder to find cheap LPG fillups now. Still better than petrol ;)
unless we find an oil pocket bigger than the moon we wont have any oil left within 5 years.

america and china are the biggest consumers hence they get it cheaper... our little island is screwed without foreign imports of oil/gas/coal etc

no vehicle manufacturer is taking this seriously, hybrids are pointless when the oil runs out! all electric/hydrogen hybrids will have to be mass produced now at a cheap cost, meaning the manufacturers will make huge losses, we've already bailed them out...

in short, i give it 7-8 years before the world as we know it descends into chaos, pathetic excuses for war will attempt to hide the fact its a hunt for oil...

invest in solar power for your home, increase the efficiency of your day-to-day living, recycle and above all plan how you'll survive when this planet goes t**s up....
Mojo, I'm afraid your info is a little misguided. There is a large quantity of oil still around. The US has been stock piling for a long time. They've been refilling empty wells over the years, yet little has been mentioned about this. I know several people who work on US oil fields. The plan is to reduce the dependence on foreign supplies in future years.

There are vast quantities still to be tapped around the world but have not been due to political reasons. Besides I'm sure someone will find an effective alternative when necessary, remember Mad Max and Methane lol.
Also with current treaties there is still restrictions on continental shelf exploration and still plenty more to come from deep and ultradeep water developments. Although more expensive per barrel there are older fields being subject to redevelopment due to increases in recovery techniques using smaller on station FPSO's not to mention the vast reserves of tar sands that the world has, these however will not be ventured upon until it is financially viable and at USD$80 for WTI and a little less for Brent crude it's not going to happen anytime soon.

Bottom line there's a lot more oil around than people think, just because there hasn't been a record find for a long time doesn't mean to say we will run out anytime soon.........the figure most people like to throw around is 50years. There's some pretty big gas discoveries off the coats of Brasil and Iran currently in the mix, unless the US try to have a war over it saying that IRAN will use the finances to build WMDs.......and we still have a falklands, (for now).
invest in solar power for your home

^^ great idea, I can help you out there :p

People can throw around figures of how long we have before oil runs out all they like but the simple fact is prices will continue to rise and fuel will run out.
unless we find an oil pocket bigger than the moon we wont have any oil left within 5 years..

As said by others, that's complete rubbish. Governments etc force this stupid message onto people to try and justify the price, when infact there's millions of barrels out there in storage just doing nothing. The oil producing countries could produce more if they wanted to, obviously easing the 'shortage' if there was one and reducing prices, but there isn't a shortage, and they won't do that. Some of the boring energy conferences i've had to sit through where the real facts are, highlight the facts which are completely opposite to the rubbish fed to the general public on TV!

If the USA can have fuel at the pump for so cheap, then there's no reason the UK can't either. There's over 50 years+ left based on existing technology, not including the new oil fields and new technology / methods to extract it. Basically, we need to get armed with pitch forks and go storm parliament
well at least **** turpin wore a mask when he robbed people maybe i can lend his horse, mind you they would find a way to tax that as well
oil is bought durt cheap and then in the hands of the most corrupt people ever to crawl around here becomes criminaly expensive
the government job is to keep prices down even if they had to subsidise it but they dont have the publics best interest in mind and so look were all our taxes head of to? youd be suprised wat were elbo deep in
and didnt hugo chaves send a few oil tankers to the uk when he learned of the cost these crooks charge us for petrol what happened to them tankers sent to the uk public? snif snif something isnt smelling right
Mojo, I'm afraid your info is a little misguided
As said by others, that's complete rubbish

my logic being to force misguidence on the public in order to bring it to their attention ;)

as said by john cleese in 'the day the earth stood still' : only when a species reaches the brink of extinction does it find the capacity to change and adapt.

scare the public into believing the oil is running dry, get them purchasing energy efficent/conserving products, speed up the intergration of hybrid cars, the solar homes etc etc

maybe then there'll still be oil left for my grandkids to look after the petrol powered car they inherited from me :)

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