Official member system now up and running + chance to win free years membership


Fusion Motorsport
MSC Founder
Official MSC Trader
Ok, To kick start this 'New' MSC the site has now been modified to how I propose the forums will stay.
That is the general areas will remain open to all, but many of the others are restricted in one way or another. Now, thanks to James we have an AWSOME signup system. It is FULLY automated and works instantly. All you need to do is go here:

There are two member levels, one is a limited membership (bronze) where you pay for full site access and everything that goes with it except you dont get anything via the post, its purely an internet access and events info membership - this is really for foreign members.

Option two is to sign up as a full official 'Silver' member. You recieved all the other items throught the post stickers etc, and also anything else we can think of. These have typically been inactive in the past but now the site is so much more efficient things like this will begin to happen again.

Now as a starter we are offering the chance to win one of 5 memberships for a year. Two Silver and three Bronze. All you need to do is send me a PM with your name in it. These will be added to a Hat and shall be chosen at random. This will be drawn at the end of the week - obviously there is no cash alternative :p and my decision is final. (I'll be fair though) All you need to do is answer this question:

For a bit of fun you have to also anwser this question correctly:

Whats the mod I have just done to an MA10 engine?
A; Bike carbs
B; Turbo
C; Injection.

So send me a PM with your name and the letter A B or C :)

Me 3 :p if i was to win a bronze membership, wishful thinking! would i be able to pay the difference and upgrade it to a full?
RE: RE: Official member system now up and running + chance to win free years membersh

goldstar0011 said:
Danni - you're a member so you can't win anything

no she's not an official member, she's the same as you. a member due to 50 or more posts
I urge you people not to join!
It's a fraud, the results are already known!

Two silver and three bronze go to..... RAPTOR! :)
Me! :D

No point in joining now anymore.. walk along.. nothing to see here :p
Paynee said:
Me 3 :p if i was to win a bronze membership, wishful thinking! would i be able to pay the difference and upgrade it to a full?

yes :)
well your now looking at MSC's newest official member:)
was feelin bit sad... so needed to spend some money i didnt have so thought it was about time i got my finger out now theres the new online joining system:)
how can non members know the answer to the question if the information would be in the tuning forum which is not accessable?
Because it was public for long enough for all to see.
Ok the draw has just taken place,

The two members to recieve silver membership are:


The 3 members to win bronze are:

MA 12.5 :p
Super S 1.5T

Well done everyone :)
woohoo yippee! *prancing around like a clown* my luck is normally so bad i rarely win anything but i got a silver membership :D
Yep, congrats! :laugh:

Regarding these - I am developing a coupon code system, all the winners will be contacted and given a coupon code. These codes are NON-TRANSFERABLE and will expire once they have been redeemed.

Those who won Silver: -£20 coupon (But that doesn't mean you can choose a bronze membership and get £10 back).
Those who won Bronze: -£10 coupon - this can be used for a free bronze membership, or £10 off a Silver membership, it's up to you :)

I'll PM you all with your coupon codes by the end of Monday hopefully.

James :)
Just checked my membership via that online membership thing.

It says my membership expires on 17th October 2004?

No it doesnt - I sent in a cheque a couple of months ago for £20!!!!

James needs to code this bit in - it wont be long he is in the usa at the moment so cannot do it right now :)

Sorry im still waiting for James to make the code to allows tokens to be given. Its our highest priority now.

how about 1silver=2 bronze? i pm'ed someone about this ages ago but no reply...btw another weeks past...

(pressure makes people work harder or...snap!...:p)
25 minutes late. But it is done! :D

I will be sending the codes to the winners within a few minutes along with instructions on how to use them.


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