noting to do wit micra but.........


Ex. Club Member
i think i have a hernia! sorry its not bout micras but has any one had one and had it removed? whats it like n how long did op take?

again sorry, just to settle nerves lol, hate hospitals! :D
"Use this forum for car related general chat. Anything else may be deleted."

You might want to Google for some answers to your question :)
Yup, but it's not something you can remove! it's a hole that needs patching.

Think it took them an hour with mine, depends what type I suppose.
I had one in my intestine when i was about 4, I had the op in the morning and around 3pm i was on my little police bike, cycling around the ward, the nurses had to hold me in bed because i wanted to play and i wasnt happy that i didnt get jelly with my ice cream, even tho i didnt like it, i wanted it coz the kid across the ward got it! That was wen i was little, iv got a very small scar now and it aint visible unless u look! And im still here today, and technology and medicine have come along way since then! Best to go get it checked out before its too late mate! Procedure is really simple and common!
its not the thing its the op i would be scared, as i say i had a very rought game of footie on tues and its only been hurting since about wed nght ill give it till monay n have a visit toi the quack, sure ill be fine tho , just every condition u hear of u think youve got lol ta k10 very re-assuring!
First of all, dont self diagnose! get yourself checked out

I've had glandula fever now for about 4 months and im forbidden to play all sports incase my spleen gets bashed. Even tho i was feeling better, i decided to play Inline Hockey, and ended up barely being able to move when i got home! Ive now gotta have a scan next week and tests to see if ive made things worse

At the end of the day, it could be a torn / pulled / damaged muscle & nothing to worry about!

The only thing id worry about with hospitals is going in for an op and finding out you've had a leg amputated, or grown breasts, or got MRSA! etc!! but dont jump to conclusions, get down the docs first thing monday, and dont worry!

When I did mine it was a sharp pain that lasted less than half an hour. It wasn't untill I found a lump that I thought anything was wrong.

Get it checked out.