erm. well yes i use top go through a few manifolds as i managed to crack a few, it was actually the one thing that was next on my list, and i was speaking to a guy that i think bob knows that does the auto grass stuff up here in durham, along witha few other fabricators, cos at the time nobody eccept dan/kev had got one, at a charge of about £400
But then that micra engine was putting out quite a bit of power after all, and was on a stock outlet manifold, but trust me it was not just the webber that was doing that, that engine had a fair bit done to it,
but erm yes... the "blowing manifolds" - i kept cracking a few, which caused it to leak and be rather loud.
I mean it had stupid stuff done to it at the time, things if i am honest i wasnt too sure about myself when i was getting things done!
When i rebuilt the engine (bob might know some of this stuff) i had the bores honed, but went to the stupidness that not only was it honed but it was honed with brand new honing stones aswell, this is so it never tapered the bores, went from #220 abrasive to #280 abbrasive for a more smoother finish, you can get higher but it goes into the diamond cut stuff etc.. the OEM #220 gives 28 to 35 RA (roughness average in microinches) -were the #280 gives about 16 to 23 RA, alot smoother.
Had new crankshaft bearings, piston rings, valves re cut and seated i even replaced the head bolts (even though they aint stretchy

(better explain that better for some that dont know actually, some head bolts that when you tighten to seal the head to the block stretch, some are designed to do this, and must be replaced if you take the head off)
then obviously the timing had been done, inlet had been polished, ports had been polished, and i will in all honesty admit back then (cos we are looking a good 3 years ago now) i knew what all of it was, but never KNEW what it was, if you get me. i just knew it made one fast k10
took me about 2-3 months to rebuilt that engine though, split up witha Gf cos she told me i loved the car more than her, i never dissagreed....
i actually think during the arguement i said something about it stroking better or something,
i dont think she quite knew about the engine stroking but think she knew what i was getting at, i got a slap...