Sorry such a late respond been busy past couple days.
Well this car is a long term project hoping to get most of it done by summer. What i'm trying to achieve is a list of things, to start with handling, my car still has the original shocks and springs on and the car tilts every time I take a corner at any given speed, I was thinking for that lowering springs and new shocks but have no idea on stuff like this and can't afford anything to go wrong. Wouldn't know what to buy and is there any other things I can do to make the handling better and sort out the body roll I'm getting?
I'm also wanting to get more acceleration out of my car and make it fit for long journeys from here to up north, where I live on an island there are no nice long stretches of road so i'd rather acceleration than anything. I've put performance HT leads in, new 4 pronged spark plugs as my other ones were one pronged and ****ed, a newer coil pack from a micra at the scrappy and new distributor cap. Is there anything else I can do to help with what i'm trying to get?
Also considering a tombstone backbox or twin exit for now as I do not have enough money for a complete system yet. Any ideas where to get them?
here is a few photos of my car-
As you can probably see the bonnet has had paint stripper chucked over it which i'm planning to sort out after crimbo.
I'm planning at some point to make my grill open mouth, get wind deflectors for all 4 doors, get a sun strip made (don't know where yet) that's black and says "NISSAN", i've seen on here someone used a renault scenic front splitter type thing so i'm going to do that and see what it's like, also brand new original Nissan mudflaps.
the biggest problem I face at the moment is this-
The rear door this side, I had an old lady reverse out of a concealed drive on a mainroad at speed and smashed my back door. Had it pulled out as much as was possible but it's still not pulled out to it's original condition and the collision affected my window and it's touch to wind up and down so I've taken the handle off so my mates don't use it by accident as it's severly hard to do back up. So yeah, that'll need replacing.
I also have a question about by front doors, the door card doesn't have holes for speakers, I haven't taken it off yet as I haven't got round to it but does anyone know if this k10 has the holes in the doors ready for speakers ? As my door doesn't have the hole and rubber grommit ready for cable to be run through.
I just want this Micra to have a spray job, look nice, have better acceleration and handling etcetc you get my jist.
Sorry it's such a long post but I don't have an amazing amount of knowledge when it comes to cars but electrics I'm fine with being a trained Electrician
Any help or ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated