Would look killer with a little bit of gold pinstriping

Yeah looking forward to getting my gold bonnet raisers quite like the pin stripeLooks nice I like the Black and Gold colour scheme mate
Yeah looking forward to getting my gold bonnet raisers quite like the pin stripedunno if it would suit miner :/ might try it
Just get blue fly eye kit! http://www.flyeyeskit.co.uk/shop/product.php?id_product=17Im wanting to do a Black and Blue sort of scheme with mine, the only problem is I cant tint the lights blue :/ other than that i dont know whether to go black alloys with blue brake callipers and drums of just blue alloys?
Haven't posted here on a while as ive been saving and hunting for a 1.0l face lift precoil pack car to swap the box over and a poor wee blue ally fell in to my hands, taxed and motd for £250!began stripping it earlier mcmicra got a wee set of alloys and the rest is getting scavenged for parts and scrapped
So after 20 minutes work the dash was out the pedals out engine bay stripped and all I ready for the engine to be dropped out not too bad so will hopefully get the car ready for banzai at crailand if anyone is looking for some spare parts gimme a shout got a full car breaking for parts anything left will be scrapped!
Hey man ,cool little car, see it around Stirling all the time. Got a silver K11 as my daily and an S14 as my weekend toy. If you decide to break the march let me know! could use a few parts.
Does your S14 happen to have a silver rear bumper by anychance??