next midlands meet sunday 11th march


Direct Detailing UK
11th march 2007

will be held at matlock

1 o clock

madisons bar
43 Bakewell Road

its a nice location with plenty of room for the cars , theres food, a bar and a pool table.

post interest below

thanks rich
I'll do my best to make this, not sure what I'm working yet.

Ahh you had to pick the day after the South meet! I may have popped up otherwise! Ah well, see you at the Fast Show :p
as the thread has only just started we could move it to the week before mate if thats any better??
Hay hay...ill be there in <MY Car> and not the scoot...Whooo. Hay by the way did you guys have a little meet there last week or the week before because my mate saw a few micras at madisons bar? Just wondering :D
if people are interested, i can sort out a buffet for us all to snack on, it shouldn't cost a lot per head. i'm also working on us parking next door in twiggs car park as space is limited at madisons, as the childrens indoor play area will be up and running by then. (so bring the kids if you want! lol)


it'll only be about £2 per person for the buffet, and i think there will now be a reserved parking area for the MSC.
if we could get a list of names sorted and a yes or no, on the food that'd be great.
so the list is looking like this so far;
1. Rich
2. p11sr20
3. rlees85 (possible)
4. Swiper
5. Kev (possible)
6. squarepants
7. antony_aiken
9. 5ilver Micra
10. The Mad Hatter (possible)
11. Raceworx
12. Igloo
I can make this, Just as a chance to say hi and have a look around some of your cars for ideas for mine :)

Currently completely standard, Now with 1 years NCB and a slightly sensible insurance quote,

Ofc i'll keep my car outta the pics ;)
hey guys & gals lol yeah i can make it on the 11th should be fun and im back in the micra now got rid of the tigra lol

i realised MICRA RULES LOL
so how is the list looking now then for the meet? is the buffet part still happenin then? i will be wiv my bro this time but only in my car so there space for someone else 2come.
Is there a fresh list of people going?

I'll be in Belper at 5pm to see the G/F. so I should be able to come over earlier and meet up with you guys for a bit :D

I think I will be there. It's close & on a good day. Put me down.

Hang on.... Sunday! grr I have quire practice :sick:
Is there a fresh list of people going?

I'll be in Belper at 5pm to see the G/F. so I should be able to come over earlier and meet up with you guys for a bit :D


the list above is up to date as no one has said they're dropping out, yet. lol

i'd say there's at least 10 cars gonna turn up, maybe a lot more. jap n crazy are bringing some lads up aswell on top of that.

so it should hopefully be a good day. :)
here is the updated list:
1. Rich
2. p11sr20
3. rlees85 (possible)
4. Swiper
5. Kev (possible)
6. squarepants
7. antony_aiken
9. 5ilver Micra
10. The Mad Hatter (possible)
11. Raceworx
12. Igloo
13 tom ace
14 nis
looks in good nick gaz
nearly wasnt tonight though
liz was driving back from the pub with her mum and the car was banging from the nearside front and kept pulling the steering wheel from her hands.o_O
got back from snooker with shaun and after diving 50 yars he said no way shes driving it until we look at it tomorrow. so i went and had a look with a torch with it being dark tried n/s/f wheel only to find it rocking when i push it. took wheel trim off,pushed on top of wheel and could undo all 4 nuts by hand the wheel was that loose :eek:

oh that pic isn't the one i got just the same color her but hers still pretty good nick
blooming hell sorry to hear bout that well at least she was ok and you got the problem sorted i had a mate who that happened too before but he wasnt so lucky he actually hit the kerb and it bent his wheel axel thingy bit hard for me 2 explain but insurance wrot car off.

mate was ok tho phew.
gotta paint my drivers wing mirror today, (its primered as some little chav scumbag snapped my other one off, £90 from nissan too!!!)


yeah ill be there. with bells on.
Sorry folks, I now definately can't make this :(

Have a good un!

right then, the parking next door that i said i was working on has dropped through last minute grr. so we'll be meeting at the far right of the building as you look at it (next to the car sales (if it's still there o_O)), there should still be room for us all if we breath in lol.