newbie here! with a K10

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Yeah, way to go Ed... he's had more attention from Ashley than us though :down:
I'm off home! ciao!
JamieGti said:
Yeah, way to go Ed... he's had more attention from Ashley than us though :down:
I'm off home! ciao!

i've spoken to Ed before, hopefully getting the FOAH kit from him!!!! soooo excited!

There's too many foah's around for me to get a pic in my head which one this is!!! :( Anyone got the correct pic to hand?
JamieGti said:
Haha, It seems it's healthy to get some testoserone flying about in here! :laugh:
I'm surpised no one has asked you for a picture yet! :D

So yeah, welcome to the MSC dating agency/car club!


loool, gotta let it out one way or another!
Hehe, yeah theres some v. funny discussions on the MSC at the moment... just gotta hope they dont cross the line :glance:
Ed's warned us already! :(
He's no fun... but there has to be some sort of order!
I'm surprised I still have 0% warn! :O

I agree... I'd let her choose who would be allowed to see it or not :p
Here's me:


Ed, Should I delete this?
JamieGti said:
Ed's warned us already! :(
He's no fun... but here has to be some sort of order!
I'm surprised I still have 0% warn! :O


I'm on 10% warning!!! I was drunk at the time though. lol
I know... I was just trying to make you feel better. :laugh:
Ashley must be bored of is now... and Ed will be hanging over us like the sword of Damoclies... so I'm not posting again untill she does! :p

No thanks, :p
But if I'm doing something wrong or against the rules... please point it out.
It's not my place to disrupt anything in the forum. I'm a visitor here after all!

not bored, lol, been at 6th form, do you wanna see a pic? ;)

love the skirt...err.....i mean....kilt :)

If you want to talk about anything NON-CAR (i.e humrous and amusing) related I can be contacted on MSN:

It seems the mod's are frowning apon our "vulgar" behaviour.
I'm deleting all the posts that anyone might find offencive.


I've also removed anything you might find offencive from here too.

I'm gunna add u to MSN jamie, just so i can annoy u like i annoy Ollie and various other people!!!! :p

And i still class a kilt as a skirt!!!
Ems said:
I'm gunna add u to MSN jamie, just so i can annoy u like i anny Ollie and various other people!!!! :p

And i still class a kilt as a skirt!!!

Awww you don't annoy's nice talking 2 someone with a brain cell rather than the average idiots I know!!!

Also Ash n anyone else who's bored!!

I can be contacted via MSN too

Just to be annoying so you can't copy n paste:

ollie240585 at hotmail dot com
So far... everyone has added me! Exept from ollie and ems. Well... and the obvious Ed and Arnold who I wont be on their good side atol!
JamieGti said:
So far... everyone has added me! Exept from ollie and ems. Well... and the obvious Ed and Arnold who I wont be on their good side atol!

Lol, we're all good! I've added you to mine.
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