need you guys help (stop solenoid)


Ex. Club Member
i have realised when you are driving the car its going to 0 psi on boost gauge on supercharger. then when turbo comes in it goes to 7 psi.
am i right in thinking that stop solenoid is stuck open? not closing when on the supercharger and opening on turbo?

i also think that that fuse blowing problem in my earlier threads is related to this. cheers guys any comments would be much appreciated . john
o psi

i dont think its the solenoid i had this problem before its two of the vacum pipes mixed up, one from the y piece of the turbo and the other the pipe from the inlet manifold the two vacumm pipes r very close together i made the mistake by putting them the wrong way round and this happend so try switching them and see wat happens
cheers warren where did you get that multi point earth gismo from on your battery?
im gonna ask a daft question but the intercooler pipe that comes up off the supercharger everybody takes it down through the wing into the ic so its cools the air down but heating it up again as it comes up by the turbo. but i did the opposite and sent the pipes the other way. as i thought in theory it should be cooler air this way. has anybody else done it this way?
got that kit on ebay cheap just type in earthing kit and it will come up!! and i noticed that you done it this way i dont think anyone else has done it that way and i was thinkin to be honest i dont really no if doing it either way would make that much difference in the end, are you going to leave your automatic or convert to manual?
still toying with the idear at the moment i love manual box's and baz has 1 for me bit straped 4 cash at the moment as getting married mate. still trying to get it running perfect first. then the plan was to pay ed to remap it then go from there really mate

anyway back to the job in hand this stop solenoid or vac pipes
ok well with the new air filter on it is it still sounding like a camel even though its not boosting until turbo?
It should be the vac pipes ,I'll send you a pm explaining which one's it is john ,you probably mixed them up by accident while doing the fmic,everybody does it,the amount of lads that think the sc is ####ed is unreal:laugh:
yes it sounds like that as soon as you press the throttle you see the supercharger light come on to tell you its engaged.

ok thanks for that baz but im not sure its been boosting properly on supercharger from day 1 mate.
yes it sounds like that as soon as you press the throttle you see the supercharger light come on to tell you its engaged.

ok thanks for that baz but im not sure its been boosting properly on supercharger from day 1 mate.

Did you gat a vaccum pipe diagram from me yet?

If not I'll send it too you uou need to have the vac lines 100% correct otherwise it'll either overboost or no boost
i will go through it tomorrow with a fine tooth comb and try and get to the bottom of it. 1 more question should i get boost by reving on the spot on sc?
i will go through it tomorrow with a fine tooth comb and try and get to the bottom of it. 1 more question should i get boost by reving on the spot on sc?

Yes you should get a small amount. Also that boost gauge is in mmHg(mercury) not psi or bar, it eqates to 0.9bar 13-14psi boost.
. but i did the opposite and sent the pipes the other way. as i thought in theory it should be cooler air this way. has anybody else done it this way?

which is the same as what i would have done if i could, if i could relocate the battery then i reckon i could do it as you said...

when i re-do the fmic piping i'll go hot over the turbo and cold up the side
yer i thought it made sense this seems great on turbo just missing the suoercharger bit at the moment once thats sorted should be great.

right lads chanced the hoses over as said and the supercharger is going to about 15 psi ?
when it just gets into its stide it just dies before it gets onto turbo. but must adnite felt great running that boost. i know its wronge so was it right before?
mine had the same problem! spent ages trying to track it down cause the previous owner had MARKED them backwards, i assumed that meant it was right the way it was

anyway it wasn't until i found a few other broken hoses and got a valve off bazza that it all started working properly

linz i know the feeling you mean, it does it to me sometimes in first gear if you back off on the throttle then apply it again, kinda looses boost then has to spin up again before its go go time
yes its like that im sure it was right as it was before but it just does not feel like i think it should on the bottom end take off on supercharger when the turbo comes in theres no problem its fast maybe im expecting to much from a 930cc .

but to me at the moment it feels like a 1.0 micra until the turbo comes in. do you guys feel a good push in the seat on sc? by the way smidge my name is john my girlfriend did the account for me is all ;-)
do you guys feel a good push in the seat on sc?

Yup. I normally have plenty of torque in sc range...obvioulsy less than turbo but there isnt really a huge difference...something like .9 bar on sc and 1.1 on it should still be enough to throw you back a bit
I think I have any Idea whats wrong John. . .
Send me your email address and I'll send you the diagram and an explaination of what I reckon it is. . .your getting too much boost on the s/c anyway,

You don't really feel the kick until the turbo comes in ,the real place you feel the torque from the s/c pulling up hills and coming out off corners on track lol. . . .plug out the block connector going to the s/c and drive it ,its dead because the compressions low on the Ma09 compared to the ma10,ma12 and she's off boost plus some of your power is being taken to run the s/c. . .
Something that you probably would not feel as much in a bigger engine,say a s/c V8 from a Merc etc.
guys ive sorted it now seems more like it should be now. there was 1 hose that i had not changed and it was split .
took it out for a run and it performed much much better so thanks all. how do you run more boost on sc anyway? and what are the standard boost pressures for sc and turbo?

some sort of boost controller id say mate, fair play for sorting the problem and i tink the s/c is 0.7 bar and turbo 0.9 bar but im not sure
right lads i can't find the 1 hose that delivers boost the gauge is it the 1 small hose off the side of the brake booster ?
cheers baz thought it was but dont like taking things off unless certain . thanks baz you are a big help mate.
i found a sticker on the car saying in japanesse that the cam belt was changed at 43,000km and its done 50,000miles now does anyone know when the cam belts ment to be changed?
cheers baz thought it was but dont like taking things off unless certain . thanks baz you are a big help mate.
i found a sticker on the car saying in japanesse that the cam belt was changed at 43,000km and its done 50,000miles now does anyone know when the cam belts ment to be changed?

I'd change it to be sure,

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