MSC Magazine idea


Midlands Rep
i have been thinking about this alot recently and ive done a few drafts on paper and some on the computer. what i want to do with kevs permission obviously is make a magazine like online one or if i could find a decent way to get one printed then post it. i would need people to give me things to put in. like pics of there cars like 3 people in each issue and just random additions to peoples projects. good parts to get for noob micra owners. upcoming events and event photos. and also cover cars. i thought it would be an interesting thing to do does anyone have any ideas?
probably not something i could do on my own because i dont have enough spare time. arnold could supply the pictures :p he seems to be good with photos
You have my backing pending seeing some mock up's etc, I would advice keeping this to an internet based magazine, purely because it's already a lot of effort getting this done and then to have printing and postage on top is even more work.

Seeing this type of thing suggested and briefly implemented on the MSC sending any form of magazine / newsletter will work better through e-mail.

my mate works for a printing i may be able to get it printed cheep if it comes to doing a full on mag??
kev thank you very much for your backing. and i think your right. because of the costs and trouble i think its best if it is kept to an internet magazine. maybe sometime in the future it could be posted but i want to see how it works out. so does anyone have any ideas about what they would like to see in the club magazine? and help or suggestions are greatly appreciated and will help me make this as best as possible
would anyone be interested in being a feature car?

i have a draft of front cover but how do i get a publisher file on here?

just a little first draft of a cover

where the gaps are where it is grey same as the thread background should be black but it has not come out right

but you get the general idea of what i want it to be like.

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