Re-cap: One day... NeX was in his office "busy" as usual, making all sorts of whacky inventions to amuse himself. He got bored and started to spam his usual rubbish on the MSC form, when some bloke called JamieGti came along and totally stole Layla's idea while he was making a crazy sandwich in the back of his glove box, while keeping an eye out for any moderators who might be passing by. Jamie did want them to notice his big dribble of mayo running down his face and chin and the moths in the sandwitch Then a big butch lesbian walked in front of his car, suprised he slammed on the brakes and shouted "Ollie! What are you doing in this part of town?" "Nout much.....Just on my way to Brighton"!
Meanwhile... emma/micra was having her bikini line waxed by psychotic hamsters from mars who had come to earth in a rubber boat, unfortunately imigration had been tipped off and raided the sallon where the hamsters worked. The imigration officers saw the work the hamsters had done on emmas bikini line and decided to get theirs done aswell! The hamsters refused due to the officers hygein problems and instead descided to give them a bath in emmas blood after she got put in a gaint fruit juicer? *Back to Ollie and Jamie in the micra* Jamie made a move on Ollie as...
Sorry Darren! lol
I was too slow!

Meanwhile... emma/micra was having her bikini line waxed by psychotic hamsters from mars who had come to earth in a rubber boat, unfortunately imigration had been tipped off and raided the sallon where the hamsters worked. The imigration officers saw the work the hamsters had done on emmas bikini line and decided to get theirs done aswell! The hamsters refused due to the officers hygein problems and instead descided to give them a bath in emmas blood after she got put in a gaint fruit juicer? *Back to Ollie and Jamie in the micra* Jamie made a move on Ollie as...
Sorry Darren! lol
I was too slow!