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K10 super S ECU info

This is possibly the first bit of real K10 info for you OFFICIAL Members :)
Nissan ECC as found on 1.2 super S. Anyone here got one? ;)

No one has ever given it any thought before. No one realises what potential this has for a K10 micra...
How amazed would you be if I said it was possible to put a piggyback ECU onto a K10? And REMAP the ignition, add injectors and even TURBO.

Would you think hold on a minute there isnt actually an ECU on the k10. Did you know that the last NISSAN 1.2 super S micras have ECC. And ECC is infact a fully fled ECU.. MINUS injection. You know what that means? Lots simply. Ignition is as important as fuel. ALL K10's are let down by the ignition (Yes even electronic non points ignition). But ECC gives the K10 micra what it always needed DECENT efficient accurate and MAPPABLE Ignition..

Do I sound enthuastic?

With a device such as a GREDDY E MANAGE (which is a piggy back ECU) It would be quite possible to mod a K10 in ways never seen before.

Watch this space - I have an ECC ECU sitting on my lap im working out what it does and what can be done with it... Perhaps the first K10 with injectors will appear sooner than expected ;)

Picture 1: The ECC ECU :)

Picture 2: With half a loom attatched.

Picture 3: And all wires labled :)


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very intresting ed, what injectors would be used to do this, id assume we would need a throttle body inlet fuel rail etc from another car? possiably a k11?
Sounds interesting!!! Some other forums member mentioned this to me also only a few weeks back and said that this also had potential. I'd be interested to see what you can do with it though Ed. :)
Yeah I've been looking into the idea only in a small way for a short while now - however thats irrelevent. The fact is, there was a K10 with proper MAPPED ignition that really does give the car more potential than anyone yet realises. (whilst still being true to the fact its a real K10 part :) )
Just like to add that I dont mean to convert a K10 to injection, my aim is the leave on the STANDARD carb and add an injector for additional fuel for use with a turbo :)

There are several things you could ditch to make it better - removing the cats is definately one of them.

Very interesting all this. Not sure many people would attempt it due to lack of expertise or funds but it is certainly interesting knowing it can be done. I follow with interest. :)
What can be done ed?

would you be able to re-map my white K10 with the 4 branch on it? I have 3 ecu's in my garage which i've kept, would you be able to do something to one of them??

you say there are several things you can ditch to make it better, like what??

am really interested in this

Mark the advantages of this are smaller than say a fuel injected car. You really need to do more to your engine to make this worth while. For example, get some wild cams, etc and decent intake carbs. THEN gains may be more worthwhile. The simplest way, but perhaps not the best way would be to fit an e-manage. You would then intercept the ignition signel and could map ignition. Its never been done, and I seen no reason why it wouldnt work. I would also fit additional fuel injectors, but again this is a workaround compromise due to the K10 being on a carb, but it would allow a bit of fuel control.

Its probably fairly expensive relativly to do this. The e-manage with the options you would need would be around £250-300 this would be before any mapping or installation took place. Gains could only be guessed at, I have no idea how far from optimised your car is already. Also You would HAVE to have ECC fitted back to the car. Or this whole thing wont work.

at the moment the ecc is all there in my car, the engine which is going in is from my old red one, due to my cash flow situation i only have enough money for not a lot, I'm putting a re-profiled cam in it but the intake system will have to stay the same.

can i use the original ecc ignition system with my 4 branch, and non ecc inlet and weber carb?
I have a similar query. After much analysis I have found that the EEC system is running a malfunctioning carburettor (solenoid valve). I have obtained another carb but it is an ordinary power valve one. If I fit this one will the EEC work the ignition as normal. Are there any modifications needed? I can see that there will be rewiring. What about all those sensors? If it's difficult I will just get the original distributor and coil from the same car as the carb but am trying to keep costs down.
you'll need to change the inlet and exhaust manifold and exhaust system, also the ignition system ie coil dizzy etc.

or you can buy my ECC carb as I wont be needing it anymore.

gunna bring back this old thread


did you work out if you could map the ignition using the emanage successfully?

also how much would it cost for a emanage and add ons that i'll need to set it up from you?

did you find out if the emanage could control the air/fuel mixture like the ecc but map it with the emanage,

im asking as im interested in fitting it to the super s ive got, purely to refine the tuning and be able to use a different map for long journeys to get good mpg

does the emanage have a built in rev limiter? because im after a rev limiter aswell but if the emanage would be able to do this i'd use the money to get a emanage

im also getting the stock lamba sensor welded into my 4-2-1 manifold and also thinking of getting a regrind cam when i change the cam belt soon

im sure i could wire it up but tuning i might leave down to you, or try myself on the local rolling road

be great to here what you think ed
also remeber your gonna need a fuel injection pump and some way of running it. Tbh, it sounds like a good idea for fully electronical ignition but not the injection side.

well first off is the egr system and exhaust system
then when i change the cambelt i'll change the cam at the same time,

but i dont know if its worth while me getting a omex rev limiter or waiting and getting a emanage fitted,

but if im going to need to start adding stuff like fuel injection pumps and maf's, i'll forget about it as all i want is to adjust the timing and the carb fuel mixture solinoid
Fordy, to be honest, why dont you just get a complete injection system? For example. You could put a GTi-R loom and ECU on the K10, use a figaro inlet manifold and then remap the ecu. Its a big job yes, but definately possible. Then you can simply turbo the car as well, and the GTI-R ecu will interface with the K10 ECC distributor (I think anyway)

one major factor is money
and i want a system thats pretty much standard at the moment the cars looking pretty mint and i dont want to start having wiring all over the place

i might just keep an eye out for a cheap omex limiter for the time being, just i thought the emanage wouldnt need much adding but thats because i didnt research it at all lol

maybe hooking an apexi up to the boost sensor will give a little adjustment on the fueling when i add a cam in

also ed how much are regrinds these days?
Regrinds are around £115, fuel systems injection never happens cheap. Id just either do it properly or not bother.
Just like to add that I dont mean to convert a K10 to injection, my aim is the leave on the STANDARD carb and add an injector for additional fuel for use with a turbo :)


I get what you mean, some diesel's have it as a choke mechanism. But your still gonna need an injection pump. Also why would you need the extra fuel for a turbo?

I have a Greddy Rebic, it's an extra injector controllor that can be set to fire from rpm and boost, it's perfect for a low budget turbo conversion.
im not looking to go turbo yet, im just wanting some way of controlling the ignition timing from inside the car and possibly have just ignition maps at the same time

cause when i put a cam in i dont want it to run lumpy as hell on idle and make it hard to go though mot tests
fordy it wont, you wont get lumpy idle until you pass 270+ deg duration. And Amy, IMO thats not really nice for a turbo conversion, and it also does not allow ignition control which is also vital.
ed what are the figures for a fast road cam is the duration around 270?
how long will it take to get it back to me?
ok ed let me get a spare ma12 cam and i'll send it to you unless you have a ma12 cam laying around then i can pay you for the cam and getting it reground?
i do it on an exchange basis, you need to send me yours but I do have one here to send off to be ground, so I can still do it quickly :) I have checked my prices and I quoted you wrong. The cam is £130+ postage. Which is about £10, special delivery
Thread from the dead!!

So with my understanding, I could use the k10 ecc and distributor with piggyback ecu and have it mapped for my turbo/carb set up?

If so, anyone got one ? :)
Thread from the dead!!

So with my understanding, I could use the k10 ecc and distributor with piggyback ecu and have it mapped for my turbo/carb set up?

If so, anyone got one ? :)
There was one on ebay for £30. I dont know if I salvaged the ECC from the Super S I stripped down with a mate. I will check.
The distributor has to be from the ECC version from what I know the ECC only comes with Super S's if Im correct.
Not quite pork... How much do you have to spend? If you can afford it omex600 would be much better bet with figaro inlet manifold. If not, then perhaps a pulsar gtir loom + ECU and fig manifold etc...
It's going on turbo/bike carb cg13de build, so no injection stuff :)

Found this thread whilst discussing 3d ignition possibilities. What's your thoughts?

I know EFI is better, but I've had the turbo bike stuff working well, (until stupid throttle cable killed it) and its all made up, last thing I need now is ignition sorting out
wow what an old thread. Well my current micra was an ecc model. so got an ecc ecu, chopped up wiring loom and MAP sensor if anyone wants them. unless you like electronics that much I wouldnt bother with the ecu, and the ecc carbs are ****e. theres like 4 or 5 sensors on it and the manifold along with the map sensor and dizzy
I would go with the ford edis system and megajolt. all the parts can be picked up cheap and easy to wire up. Or mix it with megasquirt instead and program ignition and fueling


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